Kel Tec P11 Holster IWB Options

Relentless Tactical The Ultimate Suede Leather IWB Holster

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Being the first 9mm polymer pistol for concealed carry, the Kel-Tec P-11 is a highly effective gun that comes in a small package. The great thing about them is they’re a fantastic sidearm and still inexpensive. Because it is a compact firearm, it’s a great option for pocket carry or IWB. It is lightweight, which means you will hardly be able to feel it on you with the right holster. With that being said, what is the right Kel Tec P11 holster?

I’m glad you asked! I’ll be going over a few different holster options for the Kel Tec P11, but first I wanted to show you my favorite holster.



The Barsony Nylon Gun Inside the Waistband Holster is the best in my opinion, because it is specifically made to suit the needs of a compact/sub compact 9mm. Since the P-11 is just that, this IWB is a sturdy and reliable choice for it.

Before I go on to talk to you about the holster options, however, I wanted to discuss with you a bit about the cardinal rules of firearms and firearm safety.

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Cardinal Rules of Firearm Safety

Everyone should know there are specific guidelines and rules to owning a gun. Does everyone know what those rules are and why they are, though? It’s important to be safe with your firearm, and in order to be you have to know the basic cardinal rules of the firearm universe.

Gun handling rules

1. Always act and treat any firearm as if it were loaded. No exceptions!

This means you should be safety checking it before and after setting it aside, before and after being handed one, and in all other situations. Until you have personally made sure it is not loaded, do not accept another person’s statement that it is unloaded.

Even if you know it’s unloaded, because perhaps you removed the magazine, there may still be a round in the chamber. It is always better to be overly cautious than flippant with this kind of thing.

2. Never point the muzzle of any gun at anything or anyone you do not intend to shoot.

If you are pointing it at another person, animal, or valuable possession or object that you do not intend to fire at, you are putting those things at risk. Negligent discharge may occur, though perhaps unlikely unless you’re violating the other cardinal rules. Nevertheless, you must treat every situation as if this were possible.

Find a safe place to point your firearm that will not be putting anyone in danger. Perhaps this is the corner of a room or away from everything. Just make sure you keep in mind there are people on the other side of walls in homes/apartments.

3. Keep your finger clear of the trigger and away from the trigger guard.

Often times, when someone holds a gun for the first time, they immediately go for the trigger. It’s a natural instinct, and something you have to train yourself against doing. When you are handling a firearm, take a second to purposefully place your finger on the gun frame or slide.

It is important to learn to avoid placing your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire, even in high-stress situations. Do not ever depend on any safety mechanisms or devices.

4. Be absolutely sure of your target and aware of what surrounds it.

Like I mentioned briefly above, people can be on the other side of walls. Bullets can penetrate a wall or barrier and still travel a great distance.

Always make sure your target is clear of other people, making sure you’re certain no one is down range or headed that way. This means as far as you can see is as far as you should consider an area downrange.

In the case of self defense, be aware of your surroundings. Assess the situation, before and after you draw, and be as precise and accurate as possible. There are defensive gun training classes you can take that will aid in this area, and are important for your safety and experience with a firearm.

These four rules are the main ones you’ll hear and learn when it comes to firearms. There are, however, many other rules and guidelines out there, such as those specifically for the range, cleaning and caring for your gun, etc.

There are also the “ten commandments of gun safety,” which these four are a part of. The remaining rules are, generally, as follows:

  • Guns should be unloaded when not in use
  • Use the proper ammunition
  • If your gun fails to to fire when the trigger is pulled, handle with care
  • Always wear protection gear for your eyes and ears when shooting
  • Be sure the firearm barrel is clear of obstruction before shooting
  • Learn the operations and handling of your firearm

Of course, there is the additional rule that everyone should follow: shoot sober!



Top Holster Choices for the Kel-Tec P11

Moving on, let’s take a closer look at some top holster options for the P-11. These are all based on the specific make and model of the Kel-Tec P-11 so I hope you’re able to find something that matches your needs among them.


Product NameWhere to Buy
image of Barsony Nylon Gun IWB Kel-Tec P11 HolsterBarsony Nylon Gun IWB Kel-Tec P11 HolsterCheck Price
image of Fobus Tactical KTP-11 Standard HolsterFobus Tactical KTP-11 Standard HolsterCheck Price
image of New Barsony Brown Leather IWB HolsterNew Barsony Brown Leather IWB HolsterCheck Price
image of The Ultimate Suede Leather IWB HolsterThe Ultimate Suede Leather IWB HolsterCheck Price


1. Barsony Nylon Gun Inside the Waistband Kel-Tec P11 Holster


Barsony Nylon Gun Inside the Waistband Kel-Tec P11 Holster


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This suede holster is a comfortable and quality option. It is lightweight, thin, but protective of your pistol. It also has a barrier inside it to protect the gun from perspiration, which is highly beneficial and needed as an IWB.


  • suede-like, ultra thin 4 layer laminate exterior
  • Cordero nylon with precision stitching
  • Internal moisture protective barrier
  • Steel belt clip
  • Strongside, crossdraw, or small of back carry option
Fits firearm nicelyOpen at bottom (may not be desired by some)
Open at bottom (pro if your gun is longer)Can be difficult to reholster gun
Soft and comfortableRetention may be slightly loose
Sits well as IWBWear on interior may develop over time
Easy to turn into OWB

2. Fobus Tactical KTP-11 Standard Holster


Fobus Tactical KTP-11 Standard Conceal Carry Polymer Holster


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This is another good holster, and works great for a P-11. It is a molded fit and a wonderful concealed carry holster. Keep in mind it only has the options for right handed.


  • Paddle Holster style
  • Passive retention
  • Rubberized paddle
  • Steel reinforced rivet
  • Lifetime warranty
Fits gun accuratelyNo left handed option
ComfortableTight fit at first (may loosen over time)
LightweightNo high-friction padding on back
Good retention

3. New Barsony Brown Leather IWB Holster


Barsony New Brown Leather IWB Kel Tec P11 Holster


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I am partial to leather holsters at times, and this one is a great option. This IWB comes with a magazine pouch along with it, and is made from quality cowhide leather material that is long lasting.


  • Cowhide leather material
  • Various carry methods
  • Metal clip
Soft materialMaterial may fold in
Clip is strongCan be harder to reholster
Easy drawSafety not covered all the way (can rub you over time)
Quality materialMags may move in pouch

4. The Ultimate Suede Leather IWB Holster


Relentless Tactical The Ultimate Suede Leather Kel Tec p11 IWB Holster


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This handmade options is a great option for that personal touch. It is made in the US and is a dependable holster for your pistol.


  • Suede leather material
  • Lifetime warranty
  • Strong metal clip
Fits wellStiff at first
Quality materialSlightly bulky
Conceals well

Our Top Kel Tec P11 Holster Pick

In conclusion, while I do admire each of the above options, my top pick does remain the Barsony Nylon Gun Inside the Waistband Holster. It is thin but durable, comfortable, quality material, affordable, and all in all it fits the bill for the Kel-Tec P-11.

Of course, holsters are all entirely up to personal preference. While I like this one the most, you may end up choosing one of the other options. If you do, don’t feel bad or worry that you chose wrong. If you’ve done your research then there’s not much to go wrong on.

Whatever you choose, whether on this list or not, leave us a comment with your review of the holster! Let us know what you think, and tell us any of your own personal experience with the cardinal rules of gun safety.

I hope you’ve gained some valuable insight and information from this. Finding the right holster isn’t very hard, and as long as you look into everything and choose the best of quality, it is a great experience holstering your firearm for the first time.

Recommended Reading

Concealed Carry Holsters For Kel Tec P-32

Best Holsters For The Kel Tec PF9

The Kel Tec PMR 30

Top 4 Holsters For Kel Tec Pistols

The Kel-tec Sub-2000 Review

One Response

  1. Your piece was very informative and offered and I am partial description and overview of the products. Though you stated your preference initially it is understandable in the end. However you gave each holster a fair shake and in this day and time , that is a unique quality and one to be admired thank you.

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