Kel Tec PMR 30 Holster Options – Our Top 4

Custom Kel Tec PMR 30 Holster

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You’re already the proud owner of a Kel-Tec PMR-30 and looking for a holster that’ll fit it perfectly. In this review, we cover several types Kel Tec PMR 30 holster options (waistband OWB, clip-on and shoulder types), so you’re likely to find something you like.
As we’re sure you know already, the Kel-Tec PMR 30 is a semi-automatic, 22 caliber pistol with an aluminum frame and 4.3-inch barrel. The gun is unusual because it holds a 30-round magazine and 13.6 ounces. There are also the optional under-mount laser sights and light attachments which add further weight. Because of these factors, a holster for this weapon must be stronger and more durable to hold the weapon securely while not getting out of position.
We’ve scoured the manufacturers of quality holsters for the best ones. In our opinion, the Pro-Tech Outdoors Black Leather Side Holster is ideal for the average PMR 30 owner.



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Our Top Pick for a Kel-Tec PMR 30 Holster : Pro-Tech Outdoors Black Leather Side Holster


The Black Leather Side Holster for Kel-Tec PMR 30 is made of high-quality black leather and hand-machined bonded nylon stitching


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The Pro-Tech Outdoors Black leather side holster is an excellent one for right-handed owners who are looking for an attractive and durable holster. Rather than being made of ballistic nylon which is less durable, the high-quality black leather and hand-machined bonded nylon stitching delivers real confidence.
The leather is reasonably rigid without being uncomfortably so. The belt slots measure 1 ¾-inches wide which accommodates many belt sizes. While not having a safety strap, the PMR 30 slides in tightly and securely making it feel safe when the weapon is holstered. The design prevents a fast draw, but customers likely will appreciate that that’s a trade-off against preventing improper access.

Pro-Tech Features

  • Black-colored quality leather
  • Hand-stitched bonded nylon
  • Snuggly fits a PMR 30
Fits securely on the belt without slippageDoesn’t hold spare magazines
Not heavyNo safety strap securing the weapon from illicit access
Light tan leather version also availableWon’t fit an AMT auto-mag
30-day Money-back guarantee

Choosing a Kel Tec PMR 30 Holster

There are many types of holsters for a Kel Tec PMR 30. Choosing between them is not the easiest task. It is possible to make a mistake by picking a faulty product or one that isn’t well suited to your needs.
Here are a few things to consider when thinking about selecting a holster for your PMR 30.

Open Carry or Concealed Carry?

Holsters are either designed to be open carry (where they can be seen) or concealed from view when needing to be more discrete. If the gun being visible isn’t a problem for you, then there are a good few holsters to choose from. However, finding a concealed carry holster is more difficult.

Material & Feel

The material and feel of it matter because when it is rubbing up against either your skin or clothing, it’s a distracting irritant. When strapped to your waistband, the holster shouldn’t feel too bulky nor too flimsy either; it needs to strike the proper balance.
Consider the local weather conditions too. Leather handles colder climates well, but hotter ones are better suited to a carbon fiber or nylon material than a leather one. Leather doesn’t work as well in warmer climates because the back sometimes wrinkles in the heat which causes fitting issues.

Quality of Stitching

It depends on the quality of the stitching whether the parts of the holster will stay in place. Lower-quality nylon thread can come apart, whereas ballistic nylon or bonded nylon is more likely to hold together. Poor stitching causes parts to separate or simply come loose, like the securing strap, which is to be avoided. Hand-stitching is also something to consider for that personal attention to detail before the product is shipped.


Unlike with other types of products, the highest prices don’t always deliver the best holster. Many times, it depends on the materials used, the quality control in place, and the holster brand. You’ll need to determine for yourself where your comfort level is between price and quality.


Some holster manufacturers have been producing their products for decades. Quite often, this long history gives the owner(s) a brand and reputation to protect when it comes to quality.
The brand doesn’t need to be a household one to offer excellent products at a fair price. Many holsters are now made in the USA with American firms proudly supporting gun rights through their product range. The biggest brands don’t necessarily specialize in holsters so that quality may suffer. Value is with the best holster for you, not via the largest brand name.

Does it hold a spare magazine?

The Kel Tec PMR 30 comes with two magazines. It is also nice to carry it around in the same holster, but this depends on the design. There are separate magazine pouches which are inexpensive. An integrated magazine holder within the holster is often a requirement for law enforcement and security professions which may need to reload quickly.

In what situations, do you need to use the holster? Is it easily fitted and easily removed?

When and where will the holster be worn? For occasional shooting practice, down on the range or daily on the job? It depends on where it’ll be used to determine the suitability of one holster over another. With greater use, the ruggedness of the material and security of the fitting become a factor.
For people who need to change holsters to suit a variety of situations (from open carry to concealed carry during bodyguard assignments), the fitting must be easy to remove.

Is it compatible to hold other gun models too?

In many cases, a holster is not designed only to fit a particular make and model of gun. The manufacturer can provide a list of the guns that fit their holsters. Be sure to check this list when you’re unclear whether your weapon will fit. Bear in mind that it is not always ideal when a generic holster fits many guns because unless the fitting is adjustable, its adaptability could deliver a less secure holster.

Is there a way to adjust the fitting of the gun inside the holster?

Following on from the above point, some holsters are adjustable to create a snugger fit for the weapon. This is useful especially for models that fit several different makes and models. A fitting adjustment feature is also helpful when there is no security strap.

Other Holsters for the Kel-Tec PMR-30

While we like a good side holster, some may prefer an alternative carry method.


Product NameWhere to Buy
image of King Holster Shoulder Holster for Kel-Tec PMR-30King Holster Shoulder Holster for Kel-Tec PMR-30Check Price
image of Ace Case Fits KEL-TEC PMR-30Ace Case Fits KEL-TEC PMR-30Check Price
image of Ace Case KEL-TEC PMR-30Ace Case KEL-TEC PMR-30Check Price
image of Custom Kel Tec PMR 30 HolsterCustom Kel Tec PMR 30 HolsterCheck Price

1. King Holster Shoulder Holster for Kel-Tec PMR-30


The King Holster Shoulder Holster for Kel Tec pMR 30 is designed for both a left-hand or right-hand cross draw


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The over the shoulder holster from King Holster is a comfortable universal model that suits medium and large pistols, including the PMR 30. Designed for both a left-hand or right-hand cross draw, it suits either preference.
The model is adjustable to fit different size body frames from slender to large-sized. It’s Velcro strap reaches over the grip to secure it, but by moving the exterior latch up, it provides access to the weapon. There is also a pouch intended to fit 1-2 spare magazines. The shoulder holster design won’t accommodate a laser or light attachment.

King Holster Features

  • Universal shoulder holder
  • Nylon material with Velcro retention strap
  • Gun is holstered on either side
  • Double magazine holder
Adjustable fitting for small to mid-sizes gunsTight fit for the PMR 30
Adjustable size to suit different body frames from small to large-sizedMagazines are a tighter fit
Velcro retention strapWon’t accommodate accessories like an underside laser sight or light attachment
Fit many types of gun
Discrete carry option
Leaves both hands free for self-defense

2. Ace Case Fits KEL-TEC PMR-30 (.22 WMR) W/4.3″ BARREL


The Ace Case Holster for Kel-tec PMR-30 clips onto the waistband or feeds through a belt securely
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The Ace Case Kel-Tech PMR-30 22-caliber belt/clip holster both clips onto the waistband or feeds through a belt securely. The case is a universal one that fits several different guns including the Kel-Tech model with a 4.3-inch barrel. The model has belt loops placed on either side to accommodate right-handed and left-handed people.
A nylon strap loops over the holster to secure the weapon in place which is fitted with Velcro. The thumb break adjusts via the steel shank. The metal clip is 2-inches long and can be swapped over to the other side for left or right-sided fitting.

Ace Case Features

  • Black, durable ballistic nylon
  • Ambidextrous holster for PMR 30
  • Fits through a belt or clips on
  • Velcro securing strap
  • Thumb break for better security to prevent unintentional drawing
  • Ammo pouch to hold up to 2 stacked magazines
Suitable for Left-side and right-side wearersGun can be removed even when securing strap is in place
2-inch clip for fitting deeply on the waistbandWon’t accommodate light attachment or laser attachment (see alternative model below for laser attachment support)
Tight fit for improved peace of mind
Better in hotter weather conditions where leather holsters aren’t ideal
Inner lining to avoid accidental scratches and smoother draws
Made in the USA

3. Ace Case KEL-TEC PMR-30 w/Laser Holster


The Ace Case Holster for Kel tec PMR 30 with Laser fits on the belt using the 2-inch clip


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The Ace Case Kel-Tec PMT-30 with 4.3-inch barrel supports the inclusion of the laser sight for improved accuracy. Because of the ability to hold a large gun with attachment, this version of the holster is considerably wider than the above one that doesn’t allow any attachments.
The black nylon material is as robust as the above smaller version of this holster from Ace Case. It is lined internally to ensure the gun won’t be scratched when sliding into and out of the holster. There is less noise when drawing too because the lining has a dampening effect.
The holster model fits on the belt using the 2-inch clip and has belt loops positioned to support mounting on the left or right side of the waistband.


  • Durable ballistic nylon gun holster for PMR-30
  • Secure the gun with laser sight attachment and spare magazines separately
  • Fit to belt loops or using the metal clip
  • Ammo pouch for two magazines
  • Thumb break with adjustable steel shank
  • Made in the USA
Flexible attachment via belt loops or clip for faster fittingGun is removable with securing strap still positioned correctly
A red dot sight and sight attachment from Kel Tel may fitLight and laser sight won’t fit in
Suitable for all climatesNylon generally won’t last as long as leather in cooler climates
Fits several other makes and models of guns

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We like to feature the little guy holster makers when we can.  Spartan Tactical makes their Kel Tec PMR 30 Holsters by hand. They have an adjustable cant. They also offer a lifetime warranty on all their US made holsters. So if you want a holster made for the Kel Tec PMR 30, give the guys at Spartan Tactical a try.

Kel Tec PMR 30 Holster Options – Conclusion

The Pro-Tech Outdoors Black Leather side holster is the one we like the most because it’s leather with bonded stitching is going to hold up over years of use. It is a right-handed only holster, though, so lefties will need to look elsewhere.

When wanting to keep both hands free, the King Holster Shoulder Holster is an excellent choice with cross draw from either side. Both of the ballistic nylon holsters from Ace Case are decent options too, especially in warmer climates where leather holsters can get sticky.


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One Response

  1. I was wondering if u all make a holster for the Kel-Tec pmr 30 but it’s got a tactical flashlight in front

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