Kriss Vector – What Makes it Great? Full Review


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Before we jump into the full review of the Kriss Vector, what makes it great and where to buy. Let’s talk a little bit about the evolution of submachine guns.

Submachine Gun Evolution

Over the years, firearms have evolved and size from large thirty ought six rounds down to more controllable battlefield rifle rounds. Submachine guns themselves shrunk both in size and ammunition from larger 45 ACP rounds to more controllable calibers.

Submachine guns have their origins stemming and the Russo-Japanese War and World War I.

For years, the king of the submachine gun round has been the .45 ACP, specifically in the Thompson submachine gun.



The Germans developed submachine guns chambered in 9mm parabellum that could contend with the harder hitting submachine guns of the time.

Along Comes the Kriss Vector

The Kriss Vector has discarded the notion that the smaller the pistol round the better, it successfully takes the generally difficult to manage .45 ACP pistol around and transforms it into a controllable submachine gun that doesn’t weigh in metric ton.

Today we’re to take a look at the Kriss Vector in both its positives and negatives and get a better understanding of how the weapon itself works.

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The Kriss Vector 45 Super V Recoil System

What makes the Kriss Vector a modern solution to the once heavy to chamber .45 ACP cartridge is the marvel of modern recoil systems, the Kriss proprietary Super V recoil system.

In most weapons, the recoil from the weapon is directed backwards into the shooter’s body, which doesn’t sound bad at first but if you ever lugged a heavy weapon around and fired it all day, you know that ounces and controllability matter, especially in tactical situations where the Vector would most likely be used in.


kriss super v vector in 3 parts


The design of the Super V recoil system is counteracting the natural impulse for the weapon to travel backwards into the shooter and instead directs the recoil of the gun downwards, reducing what’s known as walking when you fire a weapon at a high cyclic rate and it tends to move up into the left or up into the right.

The weapon itself is a closed bolt system and is positioned above the action instead of it typically being below.

This allows the bolt to move backward and drives the recoil spring downward into the buffer. The bolt activates the buffer which then channels the force of the impact downward with the mass of the buffer itself.

The system doesn’t come without its faults. The first shot groupings are tight but follow up shots tend to glance slightly up and to the right, but it still absorbs most of the recoil nonetheless.

Some would say the glancing shots are a direct result of the upward force of the mechanism resetting but tests show the second shots tend to be higher than the initial one.

Kriss Vector – Aesthetics

The gun itself is a bit boxy and awkward while you first get use to it.

The safety is located near the trigger guard so they’re ambidextrous but the charging handle is located on the left side of the weapon in all of it’s configurations so you will have to charge the charging handle with your shooting hand if you’re a left side dominant shooter.


Kriss Vector - Aesthetics


The selector switch is where things start to get a little weird, it’s isn’t located near the trigger guard or safety as it is on most submachine gun configurations, instead it is located at the front of the weapon near the recoil system and magazine port.

This is fine if you’re just going to be firing off some rounds at the range but may be a disadvantage and may leave you fumbling around in the dark if you’re using the weapon in a tactical situation.

If you are using a Kriss Vector in a low light situation or under circumstances which require you to change the mode of fire, choose one mode of fire and stick to it and you’ll thank yourself later.

The stock is more comfortable than it looks awkward, though it isn’t adjustable out of the box, it is comfort to keep shouldered thanks to the recoil system, you don’t absorb much recoil and it’s also foldable, so you can covertly stow it away if need be.

Kriss Vector Magazines

The magazine well is also located in a bit of an awkward spot. It too is oriented on the left side of the weapon so southpaws may have a little trouble with tactical reloads since you have to engage the release with your trigger hand.


Kriss Vector Magazines


But on the plus side, the engineers at Kriss were thinking and designed the Vector to take Glock 21 magazines chambered in .45 ACP. It’s always nice when a firearm manufacturer takes into account what accessories firearms owners will already have in mass circulation and designed their weapons platform to accept it.

Think about it, if you carry a Vector as a primary weapon and your Glock 21 as a secondary weapon, you only have to carry one type of ammunition as opposed to several if you run two separate weapons platforms.


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image of Kriss Vector MagazinesKriss Vector MagazinesCheck Price
image of Kriss VectorKriss VectorCheck Price
image of Kriss Vector MK1 Modular Rail BLKKriss Vector MK1 Modular Rail BLKCheck Price


Kriss Vector Magazines


KRISS Vector Gen 2 9mm 40-Round Extended Magazine


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Kriss Vector For Sale


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There are several models that you can choose from. The Kriss Vector comes in a variety of calibers, but all in all the specs are very similar.

  • Barrel length: 5.5”
  • Size: 24.3” with stock open, 16” with the stock collapsed
  • Unloaded Weight: 6 lbs.
  • Magazine Capacity: Ranges from 10 rounds to 32 rounds depending on the size of the magazine.
  • Ergonomics: The Vector takes some getting use to, it feels a little unnatural to wield at first but it’s rather comfortable once you get use to it. Word of the wise, be sure to attach a foregrip, it feels awkward shooting without one on this platform.

The recoil isn’t too bad to manage, it just feels a little unnatural at first. It’s definitely not your traditional kickback into your shoulder.

What Kind of Kriss Vector Accessories are available?

In terms of Kriss Vector accessories, there is a picatinny rail system you can affix a wide variety of attachments to should you so choose.  You can upgrade the rail system.

Kriss Vector MK1 Modular Rail BLK


Kriss Vector MK1 Modular Rail BLK


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KRISS USA’s Vector MK1 Modular Rail is designed as bolt on hand guard extension for your KRISS Vector CRB” and is made from aluminum alloy and coated with Cerakote(R) Ceramic Firearms Coating.  The KRISS Vector MK1 Modular Rail features female threading along the three o’clock” six o’clock” and nine o’clock surfaces for the attachment of the included KRISS Vector Picatinny Side Rail Kit which comes pre-installed on the handguard.

Kriss Vector – Final Thoughts

The Kriss Vector is a very interesting take on the submachine gun. The Super V recoil system makes the .45 ACP much more controllable without all the added weight. All in all, it’s a great gun for a wide variety of uses and everyone should fire one at least once.

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