Best Left Hand Gun Holster Options – Ambidextrous Holsters Review

The Ultimate Left Hand Suede Leather IWB Holster

Left-handed people make up roughly 10% of the market. Then there are the right-handed but left-eye dominant gun owners, which adds to the number of lefties. When it comes to holsters, the awareness of the needs for the left-dominant is not something that’s overlooked. There are plenty of left hand holster options to choose from.  What, then, is the best left handed gun holster?

The BLACKHAWK! Serpa CQC Carbon Fiber Appliqué Finish Concealment Holster is a highly recommended choice. The manufacturer made it available for left and right-handed shooters, and it is not lacking in the features department. Being equipped with a fast-draw and dependable retention system, it is an ideal fit for most gun owners.

It comes with a belt loop and paddle platform and is very concealable. You can be sure this holster is trustworthy when it comes to the security and protection of your firearm. It is available for many gun models so be sure to choose the right make and dominant hand.

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Being a Left Handed Shooter

Lefties are overlooked in a lot of aspects of life. The majority of manufactured items are made for right-handed people, which is understandable when the majority of the world uses that hand. However, the number of left-handed people in the world has increased drastically over the years.

The amount of people used to be a minuscule number of just 3% from a little over 100 years ago. Today, that number is rising to about 11% and continually increasing. This could be due to the fact that there were strict rules in school systems and society that forced those born left-handed to learn to be right-handed.

It can be a pain to be left-handed sometimes. In sports, there isn’t always someone to train you properly. Or, when pulling the scissors from that drawer of everything, you are pained with the shape of the tool because it wasn’t made for lefties.

And we know most all lefties can relate to the fact that the spine of a spiral notebook or the rings of a binder get real old, real fast.

What goes into being a lefty in the world of firearms, then? How different is it, really, and are there any advantages or disadvantages? Let’s take a look at some of those real quick.

Training and Equipment for Left Handed Shooters

As was mentioned before, most things are made for right-handed users. That also means that most training is optimized for them as well, and thus it becomes a little more difficult for a lefty.

Most guns and equipment are created with a righty in mind, and the training is formed around their abilities as well. For the southpaw, most are going to have to adapt to the ways of a right hand-dominant person.

This doesn’t mean that there aren’t guns, equipment, or training out there for lefties, but it more tedious to search out.

Statistics and Social Mindset

There’s a statistic that says 9 out of 10 people are right-handed. This is reason enough for companies to gear products toward the dominant user, and thus lefties are overlooked. Due to the old thinking that it is unacceptable to be left-handed, this has created a social mindset against lefties.

The custom of forcing all to be right hand-dominant wasn’t something only taught in the past. Even in the 1960’s, some schools still taught this ideal. In many homes, even in recent years, and in different cultures, they are still made to change their dominant hand.

Differences and Effectiveness of Being Left-Handed

When it comes to the way a lefty is different from a righty, it’s like looking in a mirror. That meaning left-handed people tend to do everything the opposite of a right-handed person, thus creating a mirror image. That’s why in the Marine Corps training manual it says lefties should reverse any instructions.

Due to the fact that southpaws have to cope with the ways of right-handed shooting and equipment, they are more likely going to be able to adapt more efficiently to a variety of conditions and situations.

There is also the advantage of shooting a semi-automatic as a lefty. The ejection port on the pistol is facing away from a barricade when against one, and thus ejects the cartridge more freely. This helps to avoid the issue of jamming in an instance a right-handed shooter might be leaned against the barricade and the cartridge jumps back in.

Types of Pistols for Someone Left-Handed

While some types of guns are typically made for those who are right handed, there are the ones that are more efficient for lefties. It is recommended that, if you are left-handed, you use semi-automatic pistols. This is due to the fact that you will have easier access to the safety mechanism and magazine release. On models like the modern Beretta, Browning, and Smith & Wesson, lefties will have a much easier time.

Tips for a Left-Handed Shooter

What are the tips and tricks a lefty should know? While your experience might be different than a right-handed person, there isn’t too much different. While you will have to get used to possibly shooting right-handed, and adjust to righty equipment, keep in mind the following things and you will be a safe and successful shooter.

Grip. Whether you are left or right-handed, keeping a solid and consistent grip is important as a shooter. There are many different sizes of hands and multiple ways to grip your gun, which is why you must find what works the best and safest for you and stick to it. Changing the tension of your hold will change where the bullet lands. Keep your grip consistent and your shooting will be as well.

Follow Through. Don’t just loosen up as soon as the trigger breaks. Keep your grip up, your sights set, and stay the position as long as you can until the recoil lifts the gun.

Most importantly, however, you must get training, practice, and adapt. It won’t be so odd or uncomfortable like you would expect, no more than any first time shooter might experience. Take the time to learn, and with it will come the experience.



Best Choices for Left Handed Gun Holsters

Now let’s look at a few choices for lefty holsters. Keep in mind some of the options are available as both left and right-handed so be sure to select the right option when purchasing.


Product NameWhere to Buy
image of BLACKHAWK! Serpa CQCBLACKHAWK! Serpa CQCCheck Price
image of New Left Hand Black Tactical Gear Belt HolsterNew Left Hand Black Tactical Gear Belt HolsterCheck Price
image of Left Hand Belly Band HolsterLeft Hand Belly Band HolsterCheck Price
image of The Ultimate Left Hand Suede Leather IWB HolsterThe Ultimate Left Hand Suede Leather IWB HolsterCheck Price


1. BLACKHAWK! Serpa CQC Carbon Fiber Finish Left Hand Holster (Best Glock 19 Left Hand Holster)


Blackhawk SERPA CQC Left hand Holster


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This holster has a smooth, quick draw and a reliable retention system. No thumb breaks to worry about, and still a level 2 retention ability. With the ability to choose a belt loop or paddle mounting system (or both) you will also find this holster to be quite comfortable.

BLACKHAWK! Serpa CQC Left Hand Holster – Features

  • Firing grip for draw
  • Immediate retention upon re-holster
  • Speed cut allows faster draw and makes it easy to re-holster
  • Belt loop and Paddle platform
    Passive retention detent adjustment screw
  • SERPA Auto Lock release
  • Immediate and audible retention
Not noisy like some polymer holstersHolster banned at some locations due to people not having it adjusted correctly (resulting ins some negligent discharge)
Comfortable fitConcealment not as good as some might prefer
Retention is reliablePaddle removable may be difficult at times
Adjustable cant is convenient
Flexible make

2. New Left Hand Black Tactical Gear Belt Holster


Taigear New Left Hand Black Tactical Gear Belt Holster


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This lightweight holster is made specifically for a left-handed person. It is made of a strong polyester, and can be worn a couple different ways so you can choose what is most comfortable for you.

Taigear New Left Hand Black Tactical Gear Belt Holster – Features

  • Polyester material
  • Fits belt up to 2”
  • Adjustable cant
  • straps onto belt vertical on side or horizontal on the back of belt
  • Magazine pouch
  • Fits guns up to 7 ½” long
  • Velcro main strap
Fits greatSlightly bulky
Sturdy constructionVelcro can come undone with too much movement
Good materialSomewhat flimsy

3. Left Hand Belly Band Holster For Concealed Carry


Left Hand Belly Band Holster For Concealed Carry


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If you prefer something other than a regular hip holster, this belly band is the perfect choice for any lefty. It is comfortable and elastic with a stretch of up to 44”. Good with just about any wardrobe, it conceals well and holds additional items as needed.

Left Hand Belly Band Holster For Concealed Carry – Features

  • Neoprene elastic material
  • Fits subcompact, compact, and even full size pistols and revolvers.
  • Can be worn IWB, OWB, cross body, appendix, 5 O’clock position (behind hip), small of back, and high up
  • Ventilated
  • Spare magazine pocket (or pouch for things like cards, money, and keys)
ComfortableDoesn’t fit sub-compact or compact with laser attached
Quality materialHook on velcro can scratch over time if not tapered
Veteran ownedSome extra stitching may need cutting off

4. The Ultimate Left Hand Suede Leather IWB Holster


The Ultimate Left Hand Suede Leather IWB Holster


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This genuine suede leather option is a great choice for any fan of the IWB style holster. It’s made in America, quality material, and very comfortable. Perfect for concealment, and made for lefties just as much as it is for righties.

The Ultimate Left Hand Suede Leather IWB Holster – Features

  • Suede leather
  • Right and left option
  • Lifetime warranty
ComfortableSight can get caught on holster during draw
Stays putReturning to holster can be difficult
Belt clip is strong

Left Hand Holster – Top Pick

While there are many good options above, our favorite is the BLACKHAWK! Serpa CQC Carbon Fiber Appliqué Finish Concealment Holster due to the dependability of the manufacturer and the product itself. It is known for being a popular holster option, and with the additive of it being available to lefties, what more could you ask for?

Don’t think you are at a disadvantage for being left handed. There are plenty of options out there for you, and your abilities are just as good as any other, given the right training and practice we are all required of. We hope you’ve found the right holster in this article, and that we’ve inspired all you left-handed shooters.

If you’re interested in more gun holster reviews, visit this page.

Recommended Reading

Best Shoulder Holster For Lefties

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