For the third year in a row, Utah lawmakers have rejected legislation aimed at mandating secure firearm storage, with a recent bill failing after a tie vote in committee. Sponsored by Rep. Andrew Stoddard, the proposed law sought to impose penalties for gun owners who fail to safely store firearms, particularly to prevent minors from gaining access. This year’s iteration would have allowed for a class C misdemeanor charge if a loaded firearm was accessed unlawfully by a minor.
The bill’s rejection follows numerous incidents in which young children accessed unsecured firearms, resulting in both unintentional shootings and fatalities. Advocates for the measure argue that enacting such laws could help reduce these tragedies, citing studies showing a decrease in gun-related incidents in states with secure storage regulations. Despite the pushback from gun rights advocates, who claim existing negligence laws are sufficient, Stoddard indicates he will continue to advocate for a safe storage law in future legislative sessions.
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