Best Duck Hunting Face Paint

Carbomask Duck Hunting Facepaint

Table Of ContentsHunters Specialties Tube Camo Makeup-WoodlandDead Down Wind Ambush Face PaintHunters Specialties Three-Color Camo Compac Makeup Kit-WoodlandWildgame Innovations Commander War PaintCarboMask Face Paint KitHow to Apply Face PaintConclusionRecommended Reading When it comes to hunting waterfowl, hunters will stop at nothing to be successful.  Hunters dress in head to toe camouflage, deck out their boats […]

Best Duck Hunting Choke Tubes

Duck Hunting

Table Of ContentsHevi-Shot Waterfowl Choke TubesKick’s High Flyer Choke TubesCarlson’s BlackMaxx Waterfowl Choke TubePatternmaster Choke TubesCarlson’s Rooster XR Ported Choke TubesConclusion Recommended Reading A duck hunting choke tube is used at the end of your muzzle to improve your performance and accuracy.  Chokes vary in constriction, giving you either a wider or narrower swarm of shot.  […]

Trigger Lock vs. Cable Lock

saiga 12 rifle

As a gun owner, your number one responsibility is the safe and secure storage of your firearm. There are multiple ways to keep your weapon safe.  A frequent debate among gun owners is that of the trigger lock vs. the cable lock. Read below to see pros and cons of trigger lock vs. cable lock […]

The 5 Guns Every Versatile Hunter Needs

5 Guns Every Hunter Needs

Recent studies have revealed that there are just over 11.5 million hunters in the United States, and this pastime could become even more popular in the coming years. If you have decided to try your hand at hunting, then you will need to spend a little bit of time figuring out which firearms will best […]

Why Hunting is Good

deer hunting

Table Of ContentsHunting and The EnvironmentHunting and PreservationHunting as Part of Population ControlHunting and Its SalesHunting with RestrictionsHunting as Source of FoodConclusionRecommended Reading Hunting is defined by Webster’s dictionary as “the activity of hunting wild animals or game, especially for food or sport.” It is, in its essence, the activity in which a human hunter […]

Boberg XR9-S Review

civil defense 9mm +p

Table Of ContentsMade in the USASlim FitImportance of Quality AmmoConclusionRecommended Reading The Boberg XR9-S is one of the most interesting concealed carry pistols on the market. A rather unusual handgun that utilizes a bullpup design, it has its ejection port seated towards the rear and a magazine that entirely appears to be backward. As we […]

Prepping 101 Guide

are you ready sign

Table Of ContentsHow Should You Start?Formulating A PlanGetting StartedGathering EquipmentGathering FoodGathering WaterAdditional ItemsConclusionRecommended Reading Now more than ever, with the sweep of Covid-19 upon us, it seems relevant to prep for an emergency. “Prepping” refers to preparing you and/or your family to survive in the case of a possible catastrophe. The are several good prepping […]

How To Build Your Own Ruger 10/22 Rifle

2 rifles

Table Of ContentsWhat Tools Will You Need?Getting StartedInstalling ComponentsConclusionRecommended Reading Ruger’s 10/22 semi-automatic .22 rifle is one of the easiest firearms to modify or build from scratch at home.  It has a relatively simple design, and parts are easy to swap out for upgrades to build your own Ruger 10/22 Rifle. Depending on your specific […]

Exploding Targets – Your Primary Options


Table Of ContentsThermiteTanneriteAluminum PowderDIYConclusionRecommended Reading Everyone likes to add a little excitement to their target shooting, and exploding targets do just that. Depending on the type of exploding target, a shooter can be rewarded with a loud boom, some smoke or vapor, or even a bright flash. It adds an element of fun to normal […]

Food Stocking – Where To Begin Prepping?

survival foods on store

Table Of ContentsProper Food Storage and Stocking.How much is enough?What Food Should You Stock?Recommended Reading With all the new coronavirus food shortage headlines coming out with literally each hour, it can be hard not to be overwhelmed by the slow, creeping, intense anxiety of when the next disaster is going to strike. Food stocking seems […]

The Best AR-15 Suppressors

AR Muzzle

Are you thinking of buying a flash suppressor for your AR-15? There are a lot of factors to consider when looking at the variety of flash suppressors on the market.     Factors to Consider Are you looking solely for flash elimination? Reduction in recoil? Something that works, but stays within your budget? Understanding what […]

The Top Five Best AR-15 Pistols – Our Picks

AR 15 Pistol FI

Table Of ContentsWhy?Bravo Company RECCE-11Springfield Armory Saint Victor PistolAero Precision AR-15 OEM PistolDaniel Defense DDM4 MK18Wilson Combat ARP Tactical PistolConclusion Recommended Reading AR-15 pistols are an excellent choice for a close quarters home defense weapon, and quite arguably a better choice than a pistol caliber carbine, a shotgun, or a normal handgun for the purpose.    […]