Glock 26 Shoulder Holster – 4 Best Options for Concealed Carry

UTG Deluxe Universal Horizontal Glock 26 Shoulder Holster

The Glock 26 is also known as the baby Glock thanks to its tiny size, and has been the most sought after concealed weapon to carry. Now that you’ve got one, you’re probably wondering what the best Glock 26 shoulder holster is. My top pick is the UTG Universal Horizontal Shoulder Holster thanks to its high quality, easy adjustability, and quick set up



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Benefits and Disadvantages of a Shoulder Holster

Why should you choose a shoulder holster over other types of carrying methods? Or why shouldn’t you?

  • Cold Weather
  • Desk Duty
  • Heavy Guns
  • Considerations
  • Slow Access
  • Cross Draw
  • Weak Hand Draw
  • Awkward Situations

Cold Weather

Carrying in cold weather is especially difficult, if you need to grab your Glock 26 quickly layers of clothes on.

A shoulder holster cuts right through that, so all you’ve got to do is unzip and grab. It even stays on with ease throughout the day, and is well hidden by those heavy coats or jackets.

Most people in fact prefer the shoulder holster in colder weather, since it’ll sit easily and will be well hidden, unlike some hip holsters.

Desk Duty

If you’ve got a job that requires you to stay seated most of the time, a shoulder holster allows you to wear your gun more comfortably.

You can draw it from a sitting or standing position without any sort of problem. There’s less movement involved when you draw even, and it won’t hurt to wear for long periods of time.

More than likely, you’ll completely forget it’s there after a few days.

Heavy Guns

Weight is distributed much more easily when you’re using a shoulder holster. That means that you shouldn’t feel it on your hips, and after a few days, you’ll probably already be used to the added weight.

This is why these are so great when you’re sitting, as they won’t dig into your sides at all even with larger weapons.


Just be sure that your Glock 26 is fitting correctly. Shoulder holsters do let you draw your weapon very quickly, but that won’t help if you haven’t practiced how to get it out.

Be aware of any return policies too, since these do take more time to adjust to than other types of holsters.

Slow Access

The biggest possible complaint for shoulder holsters is that you have slower access. Hands that are normally at the sides go faster to a belt holster than one hanging from your shoulders.

Without practice, it can be especially difficult to get the hang of reaching back for your weapon.

Cross Draw

Usually, shoulder holsters use cross draw, meaning that you’ve got to reach around the get your weapon.

Well in some cases, this can lead to an accidental discharge to your left or right before you get it facing up front. Safety is therefore a big issue for lots of people considering a shoulder holster.

Weak Hand Draw

It’s a little tough to get that weapon and especially if you’re trying to avoid accidental discharge, you might not get a great grip on your weapon.

The awkward positioning when drawing your Glock 26 certainly takes some time to properly master, and you may have to adjust your grip when you grab onto it.

Awkward Situations

If you’ve ever got to remove your jacket or relax, it’s impossible to hide your shoulder holster. Everyone will either know you’re carrying, or you’ll have to take it off.

That would defeat the purpose of concealed carrying in the end, which is why many people prefer the shoulder holster for winter weather.

Best Shoulder Holster Options for the Glock 26


Product NameWhere to Buy
image of Aker Leather Flatsider Shoulder HolsterAker Leather Flatsider Shoulder HolsterCheck Price
image of Leather Glock 26 Shoulder Holster Leather Glock 26 Shoulder Holster Check Price
image of UTG Universal Horizontal Shoulder HolsterUTG Universal Horizontal Shoulder HolsterCheck Price
image of Barsony Cross Harness Glock 26 Shoulder HolsterBarsony Cross Harness Glock 26 Shoulder HolsterCheck Price
image of Barsony Leather Harness Glock 26 Shoulder HolsterBarsony Leather Harness Glock 26 Shoulder HolsterCheck Price


1. Aker Leather Flatsider Shoulder Holster for Glock 26

This holster made in either black or tan is produced right in the USA, and works not only for the Glock 26, but for most popular semi-automatic guns.

The comfort flex double shoulder harness keeps it comfortable, with a standard double magazine pouch included.


Aker Leather Flatsider Shoulder Holster for Glock 26


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Very high quality fine leatherThe retention straps can be improved and strengthened
Great option for wearing under a suit coat or a jacketHigher price range
Perfect for driving and other activities while seated
Very good at concealing and shows very little bulge especially when you wear with a jacket
Dual plane open muzzle
Minimizes printing very effectively

2. Leather Glock 26 Shoulder Holster 

This Premium Leather Horizontal Shoulder Holster is hand crafted from quality cow hide for some specific gun models. Of course the Glock 26 is included, along with various other types of Glocks too.

Leather tie-downs are even included, along with a double mag pouch featuring double snaps for better adjustment and fit.


Leather Glock 26 Shoulder Holster (Right Hand Draw)


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The cow hide material is of really good qualityThe price is a little higher
Easy to adjust to fit perfectly depending on statureMay transfer some added weight to the shoulders
Takes returns with no problemsThe stitching can be improved to make it sturdier
Fits well in the jacket with very little bulge

3. UTG Universal Horizontal Shoulder Holster

Pick any color you’d like and get your UTG shoulder holster and magazine pouches.

The modular design lets both left and right handed users grab their Glock 26 easily, while the padded shoulder keeps you comfortable.

The universal design will fit most small guns, including your Glock 26.


UTG Deluxe Universal Horizontal Glock 26 Shoulder Holster


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You can adjust the fit in only about 10 minutesThe stitching can be improved, so even though the holster is soft and will hold your gun, it looks like the stitches may come undone soon
Nice and snug around the trigger guard, with a little extra room at the end of the muzzleThe retention is a little inconsistent because of the universal quality
You can adjust the straps you use for release to provide yourself with the easiest optionThe Glock 26 can sometimes get snagged in the holster
The cant of the holster is completely adjustable, so you can carry your gun in a vertical positionIf you don’t use the tie-down straps, they actually aren’t removable
The shoulder holster is completely universal regardless of if you’re right or left handedThe retention straps are weak, so your gun may fall out if you adjust your position
Extremely well made and high qualityDoes not fit larger individuals very well

4. Barsony Cross Harness Glock 26 Shoulder Holster

Barsony makes their shoulder holster with a wide flat shoulder pad made of durable suede that will stay on your shoulder.

The actual holster has a reinforced retention with a sight protection channel built right in. There are four possible size adjustments for comfort, and includes tie-downs for your belt as well.


Barsony Cross Harness Glock 26 Shoulder Holster


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Reasonably priced, comfortable, and really great for the price.Doesn’t hold the pistol as close to the side as some would like.
Includes some well-made leather supports.May transfer some added weight to the shoulders.
The actual company accepts returns easily.It begins to get uncomfortable after only a short time.
Fits well in the jacket with very little bulge.Quality control is an issue; people often get bent pieces or things which are installed incorrectly.
You can even fit a much larger Glock than the 26 with no problem.The material is a little flimsy; you may need to use parts of your own to enhance it.
Lightweight and very adjustable.
The mag case is on the same side, unlike some other versions.
Holds the position well while remaining comfortable and keeping your weapon concealed.

5. Barsony Leather Harness Glock 26 Shoulder Holster

Barsony makes multiple holsters, with this leather holster including precision stitching that’s lightweight and comfortable.

There’s a wide pad on the shoulder to help you wear it all day, an adjustable retention strap, and a four way size adjustment to fit anyone or most any gun.


Barsony Leather Harness Glock 26 Shoulder Holster


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The quality is certainly fair for the price.The leather is so soft and pliable that you might find that the magazine is ejected randomly.
Nice quality leather with decent strapsMagazines can fall to the floor sometimes.
Fits even full sized guns with ease.The pistol release strap is on the wrong side; makes it hard to actually remove your pistol with ease.
The actual leather is super soft and comfortable.Setting the straps is a little irritating because of the extra material hanging out.
It’s easy to adjust the leather if you need to.The straps are a little thin.
It can be stretched a little over time for a better fit.

Best Glock 26 Shoulder Holster – Conclusion

Consider any one of these Glock 26 shoulder holsters, but our top pick was the UTG Universal Horizontal Shoulder Holster. It’s completely adjustable.

It is also extremely popular amongst other Glock 26 owners and boasts pretty good ratings compared to the rest.

Recommended Reading

Best IWB Concealed Holster For Glock 26

Glock 19 VS. 26

Best Iwb Glock 26 Holsters

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