Five Best Glock Holsters for Concealed Carry

Glock holsters FI

Aggregating data, utilizing first-hand experience, additionally leveraging other experienced shooters testing, reviews etc., here we’ve narrowed down what we consider the best Glock holsters available.

As is customary, we are obligated to remind readers, notwithstanding the claims found in some manufacturer promotional literature, we ourselves stop short of guaranteeing any one holster as perfect for each and every shooter. What we can, and we pray to achieve however, is narrow down the margins for error.

Evaluating Glock Holsters

Here we aim to give the unadulterated pros of the best holsters, but also the potential cons. Which holster makers are unlikely to mention. This is important as, just as there is no one holster fits all people, or all situations, fundamentally. There is no one holster with absolutely no con points or particular limitations.

Part of choosing the best Glock holster for you and your needs consequently is choosing which of these cons/limitations you deem manageable and something you can live/deal with.

So, join me in surveying some of the best Glock holsters available. These we see worthy of your hard earned cash. They represent holsters across the spectrum of carry modes, pistol size, and price tag, among other factors.

Just before we do however, and at the risk of overstating the blindingly obvious, always approach the question of which holster selection on the strict understanding that whichever holster one procures. It must be either model specific for the actual Glock you own, or at the very least, recommended by the manufacturer as being compatible with your specific model of Glock.

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What to Consider When Selecting a Glock Concealed Carry Holster

Comfortably conceal carrying a sub compact like a Glock 26, 27, 30, 43 or compact 19, 23, 32, presents no major challenges, for most reasonably well designed CCW purpose Glock holsters.

Once one enters the realm of full size service pistols however, Glock 17, 22, 20, 21, etc., this proposition does become more of a hurdle, and the practicalities of a pistol made of so much real estate, demands fine tuning (to facilitate concealment / optimal functionality) particularly vis a vis ride height, cant angle, secure repositioning of the Glock holster.

Best Glock Holsters

Our Best Pick holster for Glock handguns is the Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.5 IWB Holster, an inside the waistband holster intended primarily for Concealment (CCW) wear, typically worn at the 4 ~ 5 o’clock position.

Product NameWhere to Buy
image of Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.5Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.5Check Price
image of Concealment Express IWB KydexConcealment Express IWB KydexCheck Price
image of Blackhawk SERPA CQC Concealment HolsterBlackhawk SERPA CQC Concealment HolsterCheck Price
image of Galco Miami Classic Shoulder SystemGalco Miami Classic Shoulder SystemCheck Price

Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.5 – GND Top Pick for Glock Holster

Cloak Tuck 3.5 IWB Holster by Alien Gear Holsters have famously, unsurpassed comfort under the most demanding conditions

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Why it’s our Favorite Glock Holster

Alien Gear’s Cloak Tuck 3.5 is the product of a design process, (though pretty much a classic from it’s inception), refined gradually over the years, AG taking the rare course of action, of actually listening to their customers, and masterfully implementing suggested improvements.

The resulting 3.5 holster offers a host of tangible features, of which some being.. excellent concealment, no break-in period required, and famously, unsurpassed comfort under the most demanding conditions.

Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.5 – Technical Considerations

Even with the bespoke flexibility / control afforded to the user within these parameters, for some, their physique may constitute a (practically) insurmountable limitation. Consequently, again, one needs to try the holster on with the intended weapon and see how well it works or doesn’t, for your needs and requirements.

If one needs to conceal carry a sub compact/compact Glock, and will spend the greater part of the time on your feet, this holster should figure near the top of the list for most people. For those who the aim to concealed carry a full size pistol, this holster may work well for you too, albeit the need to try on in the flesh becomes that bit more critical.

Print of the Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.5

Obvious statement time again, if in testing the holster on with your Glock 20, you find it prints to an intolerable level, then you need to consider another option, (e.g. appendix carry holster solutions). Lastly, I would suggest, if concealment is not of primary importance, the 3.0 might not necessarily be the optimal solution. You may wish to consider e.g. OWB holster options like the Black Serpa below.

Concealment Express IWB Kydex

The Concealment Express IWB KYDEX Holster is made of Kydex and is specific to the Glock 43

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This is an excellent Kydex holster for your Glock. Whilst some other Kydex holsters offer better concealment or more protection for your weapon, this holster Concealment Express has achieved a perfect mix of features that will please even the most discerning gun owner.

Kydex Holster for Large Guns

This holster is particularly good for carrying large, bulky guns such as larger Glocks like the G19. If you want to carry a gun that will give you a lot of stopping power, whilst also being just about small enough to carry concealed, this is a good choice of holster.

Concealment Express Advantages

First off, let’s talk about the materials used here. The Kydex used here is great. The .08” Kydex used here, at the risk of sounding like a geek, is my favorite grade . Thick enough to feel solid and rigid, whilst also thin enough to give the holster a slim profile.

Though this holster is sold as an IWB holster and excels when carried in that configuration, it can also be used in other ways. The adaptable clip can also be put into use to carry your weapon on your appendix, or on the small of your back. This is ideal if you carry your weapon both around town and out hunting. As it will never be in the way.

Durability Kydex

The no-nonsense design of this holster actually has great advantages in terms of durability. Too often, manufacturers feel obliged to pack their holsters with lots of small, sticking-out pieces of plastic. Which supposedly help the user but in fact merely snap off in everyday use. This holster is sleek, with no parts that will become weakened over time.

Adjustable Cant Glock Holster

The variable cant on this holster can be varied between 0 and 15 degrees. It is an extremely simple and durable mechanism. If you take your draw speed and accuracy extremely seriously, this is great – this holster will accommodate whatever weird shooting style you’ve built up over the years!

Concealment Express Cons

If you’ve added after market accessories to your gun, such as sights, they will not fit in this holster.

All in all, in my opinion this holster offers the best compromise between all the features you should expect in a premium Glock holster. I think most people will be pleasantly surprised by how easy this holster is to set up and use.

Blackhawk SERPA CQC Concealment Holster

The Blackhawk Serpa CQC Concealment Right Hand Holster features a unique speed cut design to allow for quick and easy draw

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This Glock holster features a unique speed cut design to allow for quick and easy draw. The CQC is a great level two retention holster that works great for concealed carry. It fits a number of Glock models including 19/23/32/36.


  • Versatile
  • Reinforces full master grip and superior draw technique
  • Right and left-hand versions


  • Secure
  • Belt loop and paddle system
  • Retains well
  • Smooth draw


  • A little hard to get on and off belt
  • Sits out a little further than is ideal
  • Difficult to put together

Galco Miami Classic Shoulder System

Galco Miami Classic Shoulder System is known for it's supple leather and a favorite of law enforcement and military alike

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Galco is known for it’s supple leather and a favorite of law enforcement and military alike. The Miami Shoulder system is a big reason why. It fits most Glock models including: 17/19/22/23/26/27/31-33. Made in the USA.

The Spider harness is made so you can adjust to the perfect fit for your body type. Includes the trademark Galco clover shaped Flexalon swivel back plate. The premium saddle leather will ensure durability and long lasting usage.

There are accessories like mag holders that can be added to the system.  It is available in black or tan leather, also right or left handed options.

Glock Holsters – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Will this holster fit my Glock?

All holsters listed here are designed to provide a Glock model-compatible / Glock model-specific fit, further:

Alien Gear Holsters Cloak Tuck 3.5 IWB Holster, (IWB), provides Glock model-specific fit.

The Concealment Express IWB Kydex (IWB/ AIWB) depending on model of Glock provides either a Glock model-compatible or Glock model-specific fit

The Blackhawk SERPA CQC Concealment Holster (OWB) provides Glock model-specific fit.

The Galco Miami Classic II (Shoulder) provides Glock model-compatible fit.

For CCW use, how well does this holster conceal?

Precise results vary based on model of Glock carried, YMMV, but as a guide..

Alien Gear Holsters Cloak Tuck 3.5 IWB Holster, (IWB) following standard CCW practice of wearing generously sized, dark colored, un-tucked shirts etc., concealment performance is generally very good. Tucking in more liable to cause some printing, as always YMMV.

The Concealment Express IWB Kydex (IWB/ AIWB) worn in appendix, no cant, virtually no printing with full size Glock achievable. Worn in 5 o’clock, with FBI cant, some concealability, but more liable to print slightly.

The Blackhawk SERPA CQC Concealment Holster (OWB) some printing unavoidable, but still workable.

The Galco Miami Classic II (Shoulder) excellent concealment achievable, clothing choice dependent. Wearing thin shirts will print, albeit with thicker or lined shirts, jackets, superb concealability achievable for majority of users.

How Long Does this Glock Holster Take to Break-in?

Alien Gear Holsters Cloak Tuck 3.5 IWB Holster, (IWB) essentially is ready to use immediately, with no required break-in period.

The Concealment Express IWB Kydex (IWB/ AIWB) again, no break-in period required, works and wears comfortably from time of purchase.

The Blackhawk SERPA CQC Concealment Holster (OWB) no break-in period required.

The Galco Miami Classic II (Shoulder) Breaking-in holster a necessity prior to live use in the field, can be broken-in over around 3 to 4 days.

How Gun News Daily Reviews Products

Starting out as hardcopy, Gun News Daily has been the leading authority on right wing gun news since 2001, innovating aggregated gun news & information into a single source, foreshadowing how we would all go on to gather information with the advent of the internet, web based publication and search function.

This author has been shooting circa 12 years, albeit principally with the military, which also formed my introduction to handguns. Accordingly my experience is limited to full size semi automatic pistols rather than compacts, sub compacts, wheel guns etc.

Couple Things to Remember

While most folks will readily accept the merit of learning from our own mistakes… learning from others experiences (successes, as well as mistakes), offers a better approach, saving you time, money, finger & knuckle skin, (or worse injury) etc.

With this in mind, our strategy is to augment any author’s experience, utilizing input & experience from other shooters from a broad range of disciplines & backgrounds. Where we suggest models, e.g. for particular carry mode, this is based on our own testing of the item as first preference, or in the event of that not being the case, at the very least, hundreds of hours analyzing input from other shooters findings with the specific holster in question.

Best Glock Holsters – Wrapping It Up

Our final thoughts on Glock Holsters – Choosing The Best Holster For Your Glock..

As the owner of a Glock handgun, consciously or not, you declare yourself to hold certain principles and values, subliminally and explicitly.

At times, it feels like everyone has developed their own opinion on Glocks, but notwithstanding anything folks say on the subject, no one can deny Glock engineering and robustness, enabling them to weather all kinds of punishment lesser pistols cannot cope with.

Equally, it is this renowned reliability, which is fundamental to why Glocks have become the most popular handgun with Law Enforcement, Government agencies, militaries, security workers etc. right around the world.

Our Final Glock Holster Choice

We chose the Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.5 as our top pick based on the combination of it’s performance in terms of comfort, when carrying any model of Glockup to and including full size models, and equally, it’s IWB merits, providing excellent concealability should you require such, e.g. for CCW / EDC use.

Lastly, Alien Gear’s built-in 30 day test drive, (part of the Alien Gear Iron Clad Triple Guarantee) means, effectively, anyone can try it out, and arrive at their own informed decision, how good a match it is for them, their Glock, and their pattern of movement / requirements.

If nothing else you can see what all the fuss is about and why Cloak Tuck owners, having tried them out for the better part of a month, overwhelmingly tend to stick with their purchase never look back at other holsters again.

Recommended Reading

4 Most Comfortable OWB Holsters for Concealed Carry

IWB Holsters – Which Ones Are The Most Comfortable?

The Complete Guide to the Top 4 Concealed Carry Holsters

Best Tuckable IWB Holster

2 Responses

  1. Wow, have you guys actually tried any of these for a long period of time, or did you just write about the top 5 holsters that showed up in a google search? These are notably the worst holsters on the market. Even noobs know that.

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