Ruger Holsters – Choosing the Right Holster For Your Ruger

BLACKHAWK SERPA Concealment Ruger P85:89 Holster

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Ruger Firearms makes an amazing range of pistols. Whether you carry a classic revolver or a more modern 9mm, most will agree that these are among the most well-manufactured guns on the market today. Rugers are very popular amongst law enforcement professionals and civilians alike, and as a result there is a plethora of Ruger holsters available for them – everything from minimal concealment holsters to advanced tactical items that offer a full range of adjustments.

It goes without saying that if you’ve invested in a quality Ruger pistol, it’s worth getting a similarly advanced holster to carry it in. No matter which variant of Ruger you are carrying, a decent holster can help you get the best from your weapon, add value to your gun and improve your marksmanship.



Whether you want excellent concealment, advanced safety and locking features, or simply a hard-wearing holster that will last for many years, there is a holster for you.

Picking Ruger Holsters for Your Weapon

The sheer popularity of Ruger pistols creates a bit of a problem, though – there are simply too many available!


Product NameWhere to Buy
image of BLACKHAWK SERPA Concealment Ruger P85/89 HolsterBLACKHAWK SERPA Concealment Ruger P85/89 HolsterCheck Price
image of Fobus OWB Paddle Holsters for Ruger LCP II and LCP MaxFobus OWB Paddle Holsters for Ruger LCP II and LCP MaxCheck Price
image of Maxx Carry IWB Leather Revolver Holster for Ruger SP101Maxx Carry IWB Leather Revolver Holster for Ruger SP101Check Price


Luckily, I’ve looked into it for you. After reading hundreds of reviews, talking to loads of people who take their Rugers really seriously, and trawling through seemingly endless forums full of people discussing the pros and cons of various holsters, I think I finally know which holster you should buy for your Ruger.

In my humble opinion, you should get the Blackhawk SERPA Concealment Holster.

BLACKHAWK SERPA Concealment Ruger P85/89 Holster


BLACKHAWK SERPA Concealment Ruger P85:89 Holster


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If you’ve got a Ruger P-85, P-89, or P-95, this is an amazing holster. The Kydex polymer used here means that this holster is not only secure, but will protect your weapon for years to come. In addition, the SERPA system offers superior weapon retention that will fir the requirements of professionals.

As long as your draw technique is correct, this holster offers a smooth and fast draw. The casing is cut down on the leading edge, allowing you to bring your weapon forward that split-second earlier, giving you an advantage where it counts. The holster also offers a full range of adjustments, so you can set it up exactly how you need it for your specifications.

In short, this holster offers all the features you would expect in a premium holster, at a price that is well within the means of civilian Ruger owners.

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Our Ruger Holsters Review Process

The review process we use here at GND is designed to find the very best holsters from among the hundreds available for your Ruger. To do this, we rely on you. We know that we are but one small part of a huge and enthusiastic gun owners’ community, and that no one person can know everything.

For this review, therefore, we trawled through the endless forums on Ruger holsters, and talked to people

who seemed particularly passionate, or particularly well-informed. After coming up with a short list of what appeared to be the best holsters for Ruger pistols, we ordered a load of them.

Then we have the fun part of this job – testing the holsters ourselves. We know that a lot of you really value the draw speed offered on holsters, or how comfortable they are, so we shot off a load of rounds drawing from these holsters, and walked around all day with the, strapped to us, all in the name of science.

The result, we think, is the best list of the best ten holsters for your Ruger pistol available.

The Blackhawk SERPA Concealment Holster – Is It For You?

Well, probably. For this review, given the huge number of holsters available for your Ruger, I’ve had a bit of a hard time choosing the best one. Eventually, after much consideration, I chose this one because I think it offers the best value, and is suitable for people with all levels of experience in carrying a powerful weapon like a Ruger.

That said, it is not for everyone. First and foremost, make sure it fits your gun! For this review, I’ve focused mainly on holsters for the .380 and 40 cal Ruger pistols, because those are the most popular versions. If you have a different size, or have an unusual variant, please check that the holster you are considering fits your weapon. Don’t just assume these holsters will fit your weapon, and remember that the consequences of a poorly fitting holster can be severe.

Beyond this, bear in mind that if you are after the best possible concealment, this might not be the best holster to choose. It is a rigid body, IWB holster after all, and so concealing it whilst wearing a pair of shorts and a lightweight shirt is going to be difficult!

However, if this holster fits your Ruger, and you want a good mix of security and concealment, git offers the best value of the holsters we tested.



Other Ruger Model Holsters

If you have some of the other common Ruger Models we have a few favorite holsters to choose:

Fobus OWB Paddle Holsters for Ruger LCP II and LCP Max


Fobus OWB Paddle Holsters for Ruger LCP II and LCP Max


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If you have a Ruger SP101, you’ll love this holster.:

Maxx Carry IWB Leather Revolver Holster for Ruger SP101


Maxx Carry IWB Leather Revolver Holster for Ruger SP101


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Frequently Asked Ruger Holsters Questions 

Will these holsters fit my Ruger?

This is a very difficult question to answer, because of the numerous variants Ruger pistols come in. I’ve tried, above, the give a good option for most Ruger owners, but not all these holsters will fit your weapon.

The best approach, to my mind, is to phone the manufacturer of the holster you want to buy, and check directly. This is especially true if you have an unusual gun, or have fitted aftermarket accessories.

How are these holsters in terms of concealment?

Some are good, some are bad. I’ve described above how each holster performs in this regard, but bear in mind that concealing your weapon is about far more than your holster. Wearing the correct clothes, and wearing your holster correctly, is far more important in terms of  reducing printing.

Will my scope / sight / red dots fit in these holsters?

No. If you’ve got aftermarket accessories like these fitted to your Ruger, you won’t be able to carry them attached to your gun. I know this is a disappointment to some people, but ultimately you should look for a holster that holds your weapon really well on an everyday basis, and save your advanced accessories for the range.

Ruger Holsters – Conclusion

Every time I recommend my favorite holster, I get angry emails from people who hate the particular item I’ve chosen. I’m sure today will be no different. All of the holsters above are good in their own way, and offer good value for the price they are available for, but if you have specific needs no one review can ever address them all!

All that said, in my opinion if you are looking for a holster for your Ruger at the moment, you should get the Blackhawk SERPA Concealment Holster. If you’ve got a Ruger P-85, P-89, or P-95, this is an amazing holster. The rigid polymer it is composed of will last for years, even if you are carrying your Ruger every day, and it will not develop wear patches like some leather or nylon holsters.

In addition, the SERPA system used here offers great weapon security, which is one of the reasons this type of Blackhawk SERPA CQC holster is so popular amongst professional Ruger users. If you are using a Ruger for self defense, and think you are likely to come across some dangerous situations whilst wearing it, having a decent locking system on your holster is very important.

All in all, whilst not the cheapest or smallest holster available for your Ruger, I think this one offers the best value, incorporating features found on high-end, tactical holsters in a compact design that is within the reach of most amateur owners.

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