Best Sig Sauer 1911 Holster – Review of IWB and OWB

Fobus 1911 Sig Sauer Holster

The Sig Sauer 1911 is somewhat unique in its design, having a slide contour similar to the Sig P220 series of pistols. Some Sig 1911s incorporate a rail into the dust cover as well. These factors create some limitations when shopping for a Sig Sauer 1911 holster, particularly those made of Kydex, polymer or similar rigid materials.

The good news is that since Sig Sauer has been making their 1911 pistols for a number of years, the holster options have caught up.

There are many styles available now for the Sig 1911; polymer holsters in either inside the waistband (IWB) or outside the waistband (OWB) styles, paddle holsters, pancake holsters among others.

After reviewing hundreds of different holsters with the Sig 1911, I recommend the Fobus Roto Evolution Holster. It’s versatile, low-profile, and built specifically with the 1911 in mind.

In this article, we will examine some of the more popular concealment holsters to decide which holster is best for the Sig Sauer 1911.

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What To Look For in a Sig Sauer 1911 Holster

When looking for the right holster, it is important to have some idea of the intended use of the pistol.

Are You Going to Conceal Carry Your Sig Sauer 1911?

A good IWB concealment holster has different characteristics than a good duty holster, for example. Both have their own requirements based on the needs of the shooter.

The holster which is the “best” in one situation might not meet the requirements of a different situation, so it’s important to know which characteristics are the most important to the individual situation.

Paddle holsters have a curved piece of plastic known as a paddle, which slides over the waistband and inside the pants. The pistol itself is outside the waistband, but the paddle inside the waistband keeps the pistol secure without the need for a belt.

Care must be taken to wear long enough shirts, jackets and so on when using paddle holsters. Paddle holsters can be more comfortable than belt holsters, but sacrifice some security of carry and conceal-ability.

IWB Sig Sauer 1911 Holster Detail

Inside the waistband holsters usually attach to the belt, via either straps or clips made from plastic or metal. These holsters offer a lot of concealment, but can be the most uncomfortable method of carrying.

Quality IWB holsters have some way of conforming to the shape of the body, as well as an exterior without hard surfaces or rough edges. With the right pants and a good belt, it is hard to beat the conceal-ability of a quality IWB holster.

Outside the waistband concealment holsters typically attach to the belt using some sort of metal or plastic clips. OWB holsters typically offer more comfort than an inside the waistband holster, and more security than a paddle holster.

Like paddle designs, OWB holsters still come with the challenge of residing outside of the pants. Like the Kydex or polymer holsters, leather pancake holsters are very flat, but require long clothing to remain covered.

Level 2 or 3 retention holsters, with active retention devices that hinge open or are pressed with the thumb or trigger finger, are not usually very concealable.

Best Sig Sauer 1911 Holsters

There are only a few IWB or other really concealable design holsters boasting level 2 active retention mechanisms.


Product NameWhere to Buy
image of Fobus Roto Evolution 1911 HolsterFobus Roto Evolution 1911 HolsterCheck Price
image of Haley Strategic INCOG HolstersHaley Strategic INCOG HolstersCheck Price
image of Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.5 IWB Sig Sauer 1911 HolsterAlien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.5 IWB Sig Sauer 1911 HolsterCheck Price
image of Blade Tech Sig Sauer 1911 w/Rail OWB HolsterBlade Tech Sig Sauer 1911 w/Rail OWB HolsterCheck Price
image of Blackhawk SERPABlackhawk SERPACheck Price


1. Fobus Roto Evolution 1911 Holster


Fobus 1911 Sig Sauer Holster


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The Fobus 1911 Roto holster is a very solid all-around holster for the 1911.

The Roto deserves to be considered because it combines a lightweight and minimalist design with an adjustable passive retention system as well as numerous carry options.

Fobus’ “Evolution” line of holsters are feature-rich, they are made of injection molded polymer, and are very strong with a low profile.

The Roto can be worn as a paddle holster, rotating paddle, outside the waistband concealment with or without rotational adjustment, or as a duty holster for 2¼” belts.

The Fobus Roto holster can even be used as a shoulder holster when combined with the harness. The holster’s paddle and belt mount can be adjusted to be worn in many positions, from strong side to crossdraw and any position in between.

The Fobus Evolution has a passive retention system that uses tension on the trigger guard to hold the pistol in place.

The tension can be adjusted  by loosening or tightening the screw in the front of the holster, below the trigger guard. The Fobus Roto holster is available here at the best price.

2. Haley Strategic INCOG Holsters


Haley Strategic G-Code INCOG holster, a good holster for the sig sauer 1911


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Arguably the most popular way to carry concealed these days is inside the waistband (IWB).

The Haley Strategic G-Code INCOG is a high quality, made in the USA, Kydex IWB holster available for around $100. This holster is designed for minimal signature, along with maximum adaptability and comfort.

The INCOG can be adjusted for the depth of the gun in the waistband. The available four hole belt clips allow for deeper concealment than the standard three hole clips, and also allow for more adjustment of the cant of the gun.

The INCOG also has adjustable retention of the pistol, and can be carried in multiple positions. INCOG holsters can be worn comfortably at the 3 o’clock, behind the strong-side hip, or crossdraw.

The mounting clips are available with three or four holes in them, to allow for the maximum amount of customization by the user. The matching magazine pouch can either be attached to the holster or worn separately.

The INCOG is specifically designed for a 5″ pistol with a rail. The holster is available in a number of color combinations, including Multicam and Woodland Digital Camo patterns.

3. Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.5 IWB Sig Sauer 1911 Holster


Alien Gear Holsters Cloak Tuck 3.0 inside the waistband Sig Sauer 1911 Holster


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Another popular IWB holster is the Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.5.

This holster boasts a lot of features at a low price, including a durable core of spring steel, adjustable retention, and many different carry options.

The Cloak Tuck 3.5 is made in the USA, and has a price point of around $50. Like the more expensive GCode INCOG, the Cloak Tuck 3.5 has adjustment points for height, cant, carry position, and retention.

Alien Gear holsters use a neoprene backing for comfort against the skin, and a proprietary AlienSkin™ outer surface on the holster. The AlienSkin™ provides protection for the firearm’s finish, and some friction to keep it in place at the same time.

The Cloak Tuck 3.5 has multiple different  belt attachment options, including nylon or steel belt clips, leather belt loops in tan or black, or a combination pack of clips.

Any of the attachment options can be positioned in three holes on either side, giving the holster a variable cant. The spring steel core of the holster gives it adjustable retention capabilities.

4. Blade Tech Sig Sauer 1911 w/Rail OWB Holster


Sig Sauer 1911 w:Rail OWB Holster


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As one of the cheapest available options from a noted manufacturer, the Blade Tech Industries Phantom is a purely minimalist IWB holster.

Its one distinctive feature is adjustable passive retention, which it accomplishes via the usual screws below the trigger guard area. The Phantom holster uses IWB straps to attach to the user’s belt.

The Phantom keeps the pistol securely in place on the belt in virtually any IWB carry position, and because of its super slim design is almost like having no holster on at all.

Available for about about $25, the Bladetech Phantom IWB holster is the best value for money, in terms of low price combined with retention and minimalist design.

This slim and inexpensive holster seems like an affordable and practical way to carry a full-sized 1911.

5. Blackhawk SERPA


Blackhawk SERPA CQC Concealment Holster, Sig Sauer 1911 Holster


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Blackhawk offers the SERPA line of retention holsters, which are available in a variety of configurations. Of these, the SERPA CQC Concealment Holster is far and away the most popular.

The SERPA line includes paddle and OWB belt mounted holsters for concealed carry, as well as drop-leg and MOLLE compatible versions for duty use or open carry.

The SERPA feature both active and passive retention, at the same time. The passive retention system is adjustable via the traditional screw beneath the trigger guard.

The holster listed in the link below is a paddle holsters with a rotating paddle the is also adjustable for ride height and cant at an exceptional price. These holsters lack the conceal-ability of their IWB counterparts, but they make up for it in security and value.

These holsters are very popular with military and law enforcement agencies. The SERPA line varies in price depending upon the included mounting system variation, but all are fine choices for retention-conscious professionals or civilians.

Important note about this Sig Sauer 1911 holster from verified purchaser:

I am writing this to help out my fellow Sig owners. I bought this to hold my Sig 1911. First let me say if your going to get this for your Sig 1911 make sure you check the correct size. I chose size 03.

When it first showed up the weapon was tighten the holster. I cycled it in and out of the holster a few times and it loosened up. It was still a little tight so I put my 1911 in the holster and wrapped the holster with the sig in it, in a heating pad. It was just your normal everyday heating pad and set the pad on high for about 6 hours. I came back and removed it and instantly it was 99% better.

With a slight adjustment on the screw by the trigger housing and it is now perfect. I laugh because when I bought this I noticed that there were a few people staying that it will not fit a SIG. Im not sure what those people did wrong but I can tell you that this does fit a sig and it is quite nice. I also have one for my P320 with a red dot and again it is awesome. (Again make sure you check that you get the correct size)

Best Sig Sauer 1911 Holster – Final Verdict

Because it offers a lot of carry options and adjustable retention, the Fobus Roto holster stands out as the best overall holster in this comparison.

While no holster can do it all, the Fobus Roto olster does a lot of things well at a reasonable price. It can be worn outside the waistband either on a belt or with the Roto paddle, or carried as a shoulder holster.

The Fobus holster offers a lot of flexibility, almost like having multiple different holsters that share common features. It doesn’t offer active retention, like a strap or button that releases the holster. It also can’t be carried inside the waistband.

Best Sig Sauer 1911 Holster – Conclusion

With so many types of holsters available, the full-size Sig 1911 have never been easier to carry, despite its 5″ barrel and  weight.

This list is by no means exhaustive, and there are numerous other types of holsters on the market.

With every option under the sun, from very minimal belt yaqui slide holsters to enormous Kydex drop-leg rigs designed for a full-sized pistol and light, there is truly something for everyone.

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6 Responses

  1. I’ve yet to find a holster for my Sig 1911 other than some outdated thumb snap strap or passive only retention. I’m looking for an open top, paddle holster with active retention. Apparently there’s absolutely nothing made like this for a Sig 1911 5”. This article is titled wrongly because it has nothing to do with the Sig 1911!

  2. Some Sig 1911 pistols have a “Sig Profile”. When ordering a holster you should look to see if they offer it with that.
    Most 1911’s have a rounder top edge of the slide but the “Sig Profile” is more square towards the top which doesn’t allow it to fit in the fobus holster.

  3. Seems you haven’t tested sh*t !

    You are recommending some holsters that do NOT fit full size Sig 1911’s! I can tell you for a fact that the blackhawk seroa will not fit a Sig 1911

  4. I’m returning my Fobus Revolution Roto today because it DOESN’T work with a Sig 1911. Their site says it does, it says it’ll work with any combination of caliber, barrel length and rail, but the pistol won’t seat. When I called Fobus and asked them if there was a different model that would work, the customer service rep confirmed the Sig does NOT fit in their 1911 holsters and that they’d give me a refund if I shipped mine back. It’s too bad, it seems like a great holster for concealed carry, but it does NOT work with a Sig 1911.

    1. Your correct it does not work with the sig 1911.. I have the scorpion 1911 with rail.. it does not fit although package says it will.. bought mine at academy but I returned it..

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