Springfield XD Mod 2 Holster Reviews – Best IWB Picks

The Defender Springfield XD Mod 2 Leather IWB Holster for Springfield XD Mod 2

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You want a good holster to go with your sub-compact, 3” 9mm Springfield XD Mod. 2. Where do you start, though? That all depends on what you are looking for in a holster, and who you are.

One holster that I have found to be a great fit for the XD Model 2 is the Alien Gear Holsters Cloak Tuck 3.0 IWB Holster. It is available for a wide variety of sub-compact firearms, and that includes your Springfield XD Model 2. The quality is impressive, and since these smaller sidearms are good for concealment, this IWB will do exactly what you need.

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What to look for in a Springfield XD Mod 2 Holster

When shopping around for the perfect holster, there are many components to look into before you purchase. If you keep in mind the following things then you will be able to spot the right match for your sidearm.

Common Holster Styles

OWB (Outside the Waistband)

  • Popular with military or law enforcement
  • Popular among open carriers
  • Concealable under long/loose clothing
  • Generally sits high or behind hip
  • Can have magazine pouch

IWB (Inside the Waistband)

  • Ideal for concealed carry
  • Clips to the inside of your pants or skirt
  • Generally clips to belt
  • Variety of clip sizes to belt sizes
  • Works better with tighter/tucked in clothing
  • Can have magazine pouches
  • Also the option of appendix inside the waistband holster (AIWB)
  • Allows you to wear it inside the front of the pants rather than the side or back

BWB (Below Waistband)

  • Made popular by Urban Carry Holsters
  • Sits directly below the waistline for deeper concealment
  • Two handed draw required
  • Might have magazine pouch

Pocket Holster

  • Concealed carry holster
  • Goes in your pants or shorts pocket
  • Generally tacky exterior to keep from slipping
  • Meant for compact guns

Pancake Holster

  • Generally two pieces put together (Resembles a pouch)
  • Worn further back from the hip
  • Pulled close to body
  • Ideal for concealment
  • Best worn with an undershirt

Belly Band

  • Elastic holster goes around lower torso
  • Generally above belt line or higher
  • Gun can be holstered in many positions
  • Generally good unisex option
  • Most are adjustable to a certain size
  • Concealable under different types of clothing
  • Often includes magazine pouches

Shoulder Holster

  • Two connecting straps
  • Holster pocket on either the left or right strap
  • Gun can be pointed in different direction depending on holster
  • Weight of sidearm is distributed evenly over your shoulders
  • Ideal for concealed carry under a coat or shirt
  • Can be worn as open carry.
  • Not ideal for women

Ankle Holster (Boot Holster)

  • Common among law enforcement for secondary weapon
  • Worn on opposite leg of dominant hand
  • Gun positioned on inside of leg
  • Ideal for concealed carry beneath loose jeans or pants

Things to Consider When Choosing a Springfield XD Mod 2 Holster

Gun Belts

A gun belt is essential with any hip holster, especially for heavier sidearms. An everyday belt won’t always do it, and if you end up with a belt clip or slide holster then you will want a belt specifically made for carrying.

Generally clips will fit a certain size belt, so keep that in mind and make sure your belt will be fitted accordingly.

Having a belt will help in the area of weight distribution, rather than having to bear the weight of a gun without any assistance.

Make sure you get one that will keep your holster secure and snug to your body. Even if they’re adjustable, you want don’t want it too loose. You generally won’t have to worry about your wallet when it comes to price for belts so make sure you are getting quality.


Wardrobe is important with holsters, especially when it comes to concealed carry. Tight and fitted clothing will reveal the edges and shape your you gun more, whether it is in an IWB or OWB holster. Especially with pistols, the grip may be identifiable.

You will want to consider and plan your outfits according to the level of concealment you want. Do you care if a little printing shows? Are you wanting it to be undetectable? Or are you carrying open and don’t care at all?

Remember, even with an IWB you will want to test your garments. Just because it is on the inside does not mean it will be hidden.

Carrying Options and Comfort

How exactly do you plan to carry? Open? Concealed? Do you want to cross draw or strongside draw? Every aspect of carrying style plays into your comfort. Some options are better than others.

If you are planning to carry concealed, note now that it is not always comfortable. You can, and probably will, get used to it given the reliability of a good holster, but it might not start of feeling natural.

Wear your holster around, get used to it, practice drawing and reholstering. These are the ultimate steps to take for getting used to it.

Right or Left Handed

Did you know roughly 12% of the world is left handed? This statistic can vary, but you will usually find it between 10%-15%. Considering that there are over 7 billion people on Earth, that number is not a whole lot.

While a good majority of holster manufacturers give right or left handed options, or even make the holster ambidextrous, you will still find those that don’t have any other option but right handed. Make sure you are picking the right option according to how you want to carry!


Different holsters have different levels of retention. Do you want it to be a quick draw or do you prioritize retention mechanisms? Depending on what you want, you can find out the level of retention fairly easily by studying the features and components of a holster.



Top Picks for Springfield XD Mod. 2 Holster

Now that you have had a chance to see one of our favorites and have been given some information on holsters, let’s look a little closer at the top pick and some other holster options.


Product NameWhere to Buy
image of Alien Gear Holsters Cloak Tuck 3.0 IWB HolsterAlien Gear Holsters Cloak Tuck 3.0 IWB HolsterCheck Price
image of Concealment Express IWB KYDEX Springfield XD Mod 2 HolsterConcealment Express IWB KYDEX Springfield XD Mod 2 HolsterCheck Price
image of BLACKHAWK! Serpa CQC Gun Metal Grey Sportster HolsterBLACKHAWK! Serpa CQC Gun Metal Grey Sportster HolsterCheck Price
image of The Defender Springfield XD Mod 2 Leather IWB HolsterThe Defender Springfield XD Mod 2 Leather IWB HolsterCheck Price


1. Alien Gear Holsters Cloak Tuck 3.0 IWB Holster


Alien Gear Holsters Tuck 3.0 IWB Springfield XD Mod 2 Holster

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Made with a flexible and form fitting neoprene, this holster avoids the tedious and time-consuming process of breaking it in. It is a fantastic IWB option for concealed carry, and fits the XD Model 2 like a glove.

Alien Gear Holsters Tuck 3.0 IWB Springfield XD Mod 2 Holster – Features

  • American made
  • No maintenance needed
  • No breaking it in
  • Adjustable ride height
  • Adjustable cant
  • Adjustable retention
  • Waterproof backpad
  • Lifetime warranty
  • 30 day trial period
Forms to body quicklyNeoprene backing may wear off and leave plastic edge exposed
Great retentionSweat shield may be too wide for preference
Conceals greatCan be hard to position

2. Concealment Express IWB KYDEX Springfield XD Mod 2 Holster


Concealment Express IWB KYDEX Springfield XD Mod 2 Holster


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For an option made specifically to fit the Springfield XD Mod. 2, this option is the one to go with. It is simple but reliable, and has some great features.

Concealment Express IWB KYDEX Springfield XD Mod 2 Holster – Features

  • Made for Springfield XD MOD.2 3”
  • Adjustable Retention Pressure & Carry Angle
  • Thickness: .08″ KYDEX
  • Weight: 2.5 oz.
  • Belt Clip: 1.5″
  • ‘Posi-Click’ Audible Retention Lock System
  • Integrated Full Sweat Shield
  • Made in USA
  • Lifetime Warranty
Minimal printingMay have sharp edges that need smoothing down
AdjustabilityNot enough belt clip size variety
Functionality is goodHip may get sore after all day-wear for some
Quick draw

3. BLACKHAWK! Serpa CQC Gun Metal Grey Sportster Holster


BLACKHAWK! Serpa CQC Gun Metal Grey Sportster Holster Springfield XD Mod 2


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A unique holster that abandons the thumb break in order to help with quick draw, this option works great and is made for your sidearm.

BLACKHAWK! Serpa CQC Gun Metal Grey Sportster Holster Springfield XD Mod 2 – Features

  • Passive retention adjustment screw
  • Immediate retention click when re-holstered
  • Includes paddle platform
  • Gunmetal gray holster body with black SERPA Auto Lock release
Good protectionPaddle may be tough to remove from pants until practiced
Secure retentionMay be half an inch too long
ComfortableAdjustment screw could be bigger

4. The Defender Springfield XD Mod 2 Leather IWB Holster


The Defender Springfield XD Mod 2 Leather IWB Holster for Springfield XD Mod 2


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With a variety to fit many gun types, this IWB is made with quality materialand meant to last for a long time.

The Defender Springfield XD Mod 2 Leather IWB Holster for Springfield XD Mod 2 – Features

  • Bullhide leather
  • Handmade in US
  • Lifetime warranty
ComfortableMay need additional breaking in
Good qualityMight be too snug of a fit fit
Strong clipMay cause slide to pull back
Stitching is strongMay carry too deep
Slightly bulky

Springfield XD Mod 2 Holster – Top Pick

As you saw in the beginning of the article, the Alien Gear Holsters Cloak Tuck 3.0 IWB Holster is my top choice. Taking a closer look at the features helps to narrow down exactly why it is such a fantastic option, and the pros really outweigh the cons.

The adjustability and retention are what set this holster apart from the rest, as well as the concealability and comfort.

Now that you have had a chance to see some other options, perhaps one of the others is your favorite? Maybe you had to consider some of the different styles and other components that play into what makes the perfect holster. Whatever you end up choosing, I hope this helped to inspire you and lead you in the right direction.

Every sidearm deserves a good holster, and the decision should not be made lightly. I hope you have found some valuable information in this article, and that you will return to our site for any future firearm needs.

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