BigFoot Bushcraft Non-toxic FireStarters Review

BigFoot Bushcraft Non-toxic FireStarters Review

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If you are someone who enjoys a good bushcraft vacation or camping in the wild, you need to have a complete survival kit with multiple fire-starting essentials. You can keep a lighter, or matches in your kit, but they can stop working in certain conditions, however, a good Ferro Rod and waterproof fire starters can help you build a fire in any environment with very little effort.


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BigFoot Bushcraft Non Toxic FireStarters

Today, we are reviewing one of the best firestarters on the market – the BigFoot Bushcraft Non-toxic FireStarters. These waterproof and windproof fire-starting plugs are perfect for any survival or bushcraft kit. It doesn’t matter whether you are in a damp rainforest, or a windy cliff, these firestarters will light up with a quick spark from your Ferro rod. They use a high-performance Jet Fuel Wax Blend for hotter and stronger flames that last for up to five minutes, which is more than enough time to get a good fire going.

Non-Toxic Firestarters

Moreover, the BigFoot Bushcraft FireStarters are made from completely non-toxic materials. There is no risk of inhaling damaging fumes from them, and you can even use them to cook food on your grill without any worries. These small firestarter plugs are also very lightweight. A single plug weighs only 2,7 grams, and can even be broken down into smaller pieces.


Firestarter plugs work great for survival


So, the BigFoot Bushcraft FireStarters can be used in many applications and are ideal for all your fire-building needs. They are great for survival kits and have a very long shelf life of up to 10 years. Moreover, they are very simple and easy to use.

How to Use BigFoot Bushcraft Non-toxic FireStarters

All you have to do is expose the fibers of the plug with your hands or a knife. After that, even a single strike from a good Ferro rod should be enough to set the cotton exposed to Jet Fuel wax on fire. You can also simply use a lighter or match to quickly set these plugs on fire and have a flame that lasts over 5 minutes. The BigFoot Bushcraft Non-toxic FireStarters are available in multiple packs. You can choose a pack of 30, 80, or 200 Firestarter plugs.

BigFoot Bushcraft Non-toxic FireStarters


Bigfoot bushcraft firstarters are waterproof and windproof fire-starting plugs


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So, with the BigFoot Bushcraft Non-toxic FireStarters, you won’t ever have to rush to build a fire again. You can have a sustainable, and effective fire-building source that can fit into even the smallest survival kit.

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