Drop Leg Holster – The Best Buying Guide

UTG Special Ops Tactical Drop Leg Holster

So, you’re in the market for a drop leg holster and you’re wondering which one is the best.

If you carry a gun for several hours a day, your back can get sore. Especially if your job, or a day at the range, requires you to wear a rigid belt. Put a couple of guns, extra ammo, and even flash lights on your belt and it gets heavy.

Reducing the weight on your belt and distributing it evenly throughout your body helps. Using a thigh rig will have immediate results. Your lower back will be happy to have some of that weight distributed to your thigh.

There are plenty rigs to choose from. After doing some research, I found I like the Condor Tactical Leg Holster the best.

Condor specializes in tactical gear. They have over 20 years experience in the tactical gear industry. This drop leg holster is a wrap around design that fits a pistol with a laser or flashlight mount. It’s fully adjustable and fits most medium and large pistols.

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Tactical Holsters

As a hunter, a prepper, an armed citizen, or a weekend warrior on the range, there will be times you prefer concealment over function. Any time you hide something on your person it becomes harder to access.

There are many great concealment holsters out there, but they will never be as quick draw as a hip or thigh holster. That’s the first noticeable difference between a tactical holster and a concealment holster.

Tactical Holster Features

A tactical holster has different features than a concealment holster. Let’s look at a couple of these features.


Tactical holsters are easier to access. They are right there, on your hip or thigh, out in the open. This serves a couple of purposes. You can have easy access and get a good grip on your gun with a tactical holster. It also does not lend to the imagination. What you see is what you get. No one will be questioning if you are carrying or not.


After access, retention is the second most important feature of any holster. Tactical holsters usually offer different levels of retention. Passive retention is just the friction of the holster holding the pistol in place. Level two retention adds another level of security, like a strap around the gun. Level three will have two mechanisms to keep the gun retained in it’s holster.

Most agree that passive retention is sufficient for concealed carry. If you are carrying out in the open at least a level two should be used to reduce the risk of gun grab.

Strong Attachments

A tactical holster will have extra strong belt attachment systems. This means reinforced belt loops with polymer or metal hardware. You want the belt loops to be as strong as the holster. A side note here is that you will need a belt strong enough to hold your tactical holster. The average department store belt will not be sufficient.

Hip or Thigh Holster?

If you ask this question you will find everyone has an opinion. Strong opinions. It’s almost like bringing up religion or politics. There are reasons for both types of holsters and in the end, the decision is yours.

Thigh Rig

This puts the handgun right on your thigh. Access is super easy and quick. It is an excellent choice if you are wearing some body armor that makes a hip holster hard to draw from. It can also be a good choice for someone who spends a lot of time in their vehicle.

The downside of a drop leg holster is that it can snag on things since it does stick out quite a bit. It is also easier for someone to go after your weapon since it hangs down so low.

Hip Holster

Hip holsters, also known as OWB or outside-the-waistband holsters, are the most popular and recognizable type of holster. They are comfortable and have easy and quick access. They tend to be more secure than a thigh rig. The downside is that they are not easily accessible while sitting in a vehicle or while wearing armor.

Want or Need

The first thing to figure out is if you need a tactical holster. You may need one for your job or an upcoming hunting trip. If you don’t need one for a specific reason then you can figure out why you want one. Do you like to wear tactical gear at the range? Do you compete is gunmanship courses? These are all very good reasons to get yourself a tactical holster.

Common Drop Leg Holster Mistakes

There are a couple of common mistakes that people make while wearing a drop leg holster.

Too Low

The higher you can wear your thigh rig, the better. It really only needs to be low enough to clear your belt or body armor. It will be more secure and less likely to flop around the closer it is to your hip. Plus, the lower you wear the rig the longer reach you need to get to your handgun.

Too Loose

Tighten the leg straps as much as you can. Loose straps can impede your draw and keep your holster loose enough to wiggle around. Loose straps can cause problems.



Tactical Holsters

  • Drop leg holster
  • Hip holster

Want or Need

  • Figure out your reasons for wanting or needing a tactical holster
  • Your mission dictates the kind of equipment needed

Common Thigh Rig Mistakes

  • Don’t wear the rig too low
  • Keep straps tight


Best Drop Leg Holsters

Let’s get back to the top drop leg holster picks. Here are a few good drop leg holsters for you to look through as you are researching which one may work the best for you.


Product NameWhere to Buy
image of Condor Tornado Tactical Drop Leg HolsterCondor Tornado Tactical Drop Leg HolsterCheck Price
image of Cisno Drop Leg HolsterCisno Drop Leg HolsterCheck Price
image of UTG Special Ops Tactical Drop Leg HolsterUTG Special Ops Tactical Drop Leg HolsterCheck Price
image of BLACKHAWK! Universal Drop Leg HolsterBLACKHAWK! Universal Drop Leg HolsterCheck Price


1. Condor Tornado Tactical Drop Leg Holster


Condor Tornado Tactical Drop Leg Holster


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This drop leg holster is a wrap around design that fits pistols with a sight or light mount. The leg strap is fully adjustable with a non slip rubber lining and a quick release buckle.

Condor Tornado Tactical Drop Leg Holster – Features

  • Wrap around design
  • Fits pistols with sights or flashlight mount
  • Retention system
  • Fully adjustable
  • Non slip rubber lining
  • Quick release buckle
  • Mag pouch
  • Fits medium or large pistols
AffordableDoes make some noise while wearing (hunters take note)
ComfortableNeeds easier release
Fits almost any pistolNeeds less wiggle room
Nylon is heavy dutySnap seems flimsy
Customizable fit
Covers trigger guard
Extra space on thigh strap

2. Cisno Drop Leg Holster


Cisno Drop Leg Holster


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This holster is for right handed draw/right thigh. It has an adjustable non-slip leg strap for safety and comfort.

Cisno Drop Leg Holster – Features

  • Fully adjustable leg strap
  • Non-slip strap
  • Ideal for military, police, hunting
  • Tactical thigh holster
ComfortableRight handed only
Holds gun secureWorks best for large guns
Stays put on legStraps seem to loosen
Well madeSlips down a little
One size fits all
Easy to adjust

3. UTG Special Ops Tactical Drop Leg Holster – Best Glock 19 Drop Leg Holster


UTG Special Ops Tactical Drop Leg Holster


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This holster has a fully adjustable and removable belt hanger, non-slip holster pad, straps, and buckle system and features an extra mag pouch.

UTG Special Ops Tactical Drop Leg Holster – Features

  • Universal design for most medium/large pistols
  • Double thumb break security system
  • Non-slip holster pad
  • Fully adjustable
  • Lightweight
  • Made in the USA
Made wellPistol slips side to side
AffordableToo much velcro
Retention strap is sturdyCan chafe legs
Doesn’t move aroundMakes sidearm a little low
Non-slip padding works greatA little bulky
Comfortable enough to wear for hours

4. BLACKHAWK! Universal Drop Leg Holster (Glock 19 Drop Leg Holster)


BLACKHAWK! Universal Drop Leg Holster


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This thigh rig is durable, lightweight and keeps your gun secure. It comes in right and left hand models with multiple color choices.

BLACKHAWK! Universal Drop Leg Holster – Features

  • Lightweight material
  • Fits pistols with sights and flashlight mounts
  • Clip strap retention system
  • Fully adjustable
  • Non-slip rubber lining
  • Quick release button
  • Right or left hand options
Right or left handedHard to get straps to stay put
Very adjustableTakes a lot of time to figure it out

Best Drop Leg Holster – Final Thoughts

If you are in need of a good drop leg holster, the Condor Tornado Tactical Leg Holster outshines the others. It is a very comfortable holster and you can make it fit just about any pistol. All the materials are high quality and it will last the long haul.

Condor makes other tactical items to go along with the drop leg holster. They are a good company that has been around for over 20 years. I think you may find a lot of tactical gear from them. Check them out!

Recommended Reading

4 Most Comfortable OWB Holsters for Concealed Carry

IWB Holsters – Which Ones Are The Most Comfortable?

The Complete Guide to the Top 4 Concealed Carry Holsters

Best Tuckable IWB Holster

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