Over time, moisture and other environmental factors can cause metals to rust or corrode. This is a big concern for gun owners as firearms can rust if you don’t keep them dry. The resulting degradation can be detrimental to both the cosmetic and structural integrity of your firearm. Luckily, there are several gun safe dehumidifier options.
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What Are Gun Safe Dehumidifier Options?
There are currently two kinds of dehumidifiers available:
- Desiccant dehumidifiers
- Electric dehumidifiers
Desiccant Gun Safe Dehumidifier
The desiccant dehumidifier is ideal for those who don’t have an electrical outlet by their safe or prefer not to drill holes in their safe.
The desiccant dehumidifier serves as a sort of sponge, sucking up moisture from enclosed areas. Top desiccant dehumidifier brands can be effectively used for months on end.
Electric Gun Safe Dehumidifier
An electric dehumidifier remains the more popular option among consumers. The only downside here is that you will have to have wires running out of your safe.
Both kinds of gun safe dehumidifiers are readily available and perform the same task. No matter which kind you decide to go with, you’ll be able to find the best dehumidifier for your needs after reading our list of the best gun safe dehumidifiers of 2024.
Top 5 Gun Safe Dehumidifiers
- Lockdown Silica Gel Can
- Lockdown Original Gun Safe Dehumidifier Rod
- Goldenrod Original Gun Safe Dehumidifier
- Browning Safes Everdry Electric Dehumidifier
- Peet Dryer
1. Lockdown Silica Gel Can – Best Value Gun Safe Dehumidifier
This is my top pick for gun safe dehumidifiers for no other reason than it’s cheap, easy to use and can fit into a gun safe of any size.
For those going the desiccant route, this one is my number one recommendation. It is perfect for smaller gun safes such as those you keep revolvers in. It can be recharged in a household oven at 325 degrees Fahrenheit.
The Lockdown Gel Can gets a four star rating on most consumer websites. It contains silica beads which change color when they’ve absorbed all the moisture they can handle. So you’ll know when the moisture is cleared up.
The silica gel can generally retails for around $24, making it slightly more affordable than other brands.
If you go with this option, be sure to recharge it prior to putting it in your safe. The beads should be dark blue to indicate that it’s ready to accept absorption. When the color changes to orange, it’s time to recharge.
2. Lockdown Original Dehumidifier Rod (Best Gun Safe Dehumidifier Rod)
This original electronic model is a bit larger than its desiccant counterpart, but it’s easy to install thanks to its quick plug attachment. It helps to maintain the temperature within your gun safe too.
By circulating warm air throughout your safe, the dehumidifier rod prevents condensation from forming and wards off humidity. This one comes with mounting brackets so that you can attach it to the bottom of your safe.
Another pro to this one is the separate plug attachment which enables you to cut the wire to your desired length before connecting the plug.
Additionally, you will never have to worry about the dehumidifier overheating as it only releases enough heat to keep your safe dry.
The only drawbacks here are the cheap plug (which, fortunately, can be easily replaced by visiting a hardware store and purchasing one of better quality) and the fact that it’s a bit pricier than their desiccant model, retailing at $25.00. The rod can also be hot to the touch.
But it never gets too hot to cause a fire and it’s fairly affordable compared to some of the other dehumidifiers on this list.
3. Goldenrod Original Gun Safe Dehumidifier (Premium Gun Safe Dehumidifier Rod)
Like the Lockdown Original, this Goldenrod model comes with a detachable plug for your convenience. It can cover 100 cubic feet of area and will heat your safe to 70 degrees.
It comes with a lifetime warranty, ensuring that you get a quality product and won’t have to worry about replacing it at any point.
The Goldenrod dehumidifier bests the Lockdown Original in that it never gets too hot to touch. What’s more, it is able to drop humidity to museum level, eliminating humidity by 50%. It’s also similar to the Lockdown Original in terms of price with most retailers.
Our readers should be advised that you will have to purchase more than one Goldenrod Original if you have a large safe.
4. Browning Flexible Gun Safe Electric Dehumidifier
This electronic dehumidifier comes with a removable cord for easy installation. While it has often been compared to other models like the Goldenrod, you’ll find that it’s actually much more functional due to the flexibility.
Unlike other models, the Browning Safes Everdry Dehumidifier never gets hot to hold. It does, however, have a shorter warranty period than others I’ve listed here, suggesting that it doesn’t have the longevity of its competitors.
While it certainly works, many consumers have said that they need to run other dehumidifiers in addition to their Browning Safes dehumidifier.
Another negative here is the price as most sellers is a little higher for the electric model. Considering that the other dehumidifiers on this list tend to receive better reviews and cover more ground, this one may not be the right dehumidifier for your needs unless you need the flexibility.
5. Peet Dryer Gun Safe Dehumidifier
PEET is a company that has a solid reputation for being a purveyor of drying products. Their dehumidifier is designed to sit upright in the corner of your safe.
This differs from other dehumidifier rods and should give the buyer confidence, knowing that the corners of your safe will be protected against unwanted moisture.
After it’s plugged in, the Peet dehumidifier heat begins to rise from the top of the unit. Another interesting thing to note is that their dryer does not have a fan, so you won’t have to be annoyed by any humming, buzzing or airflow.
The only downside to this one is that the instructions are difficult to understand. Fortunately for consumers, there are several helpful video tutorials available online.
Useful Safe Accessories
Keeping your firearms in the best gun safe will keep them in good condition, but additional measures should always be taken to maintain optimal integrity. These dehumidifiers can get the job done, but there are other useful tools for proper upkeep.
Gun Safe Pistol Racks, Alarms & Organizers
Pistol racks, organizers and alarms are some other helpful accessories.
Product Name | Where to Buy | |
Mind and Action Deluxe Gun Rack for Pistol Safe Storage | ||
Liberty Safe – Brightview Gun Safe Light 2 Wand Kit | ||
Liberty Safe Gun Door Panel Organizer | ||
Google Nest Camera Indoor |
Mind and Action Deluxe Gun Rack for Pistol Safe Storage
The Mind and Action Deluxe Gun Rack is designed for safe and secure storage of handguns. It is made from high-quality materials and can hold up to six pistols at once. The rack is compatible with most standard-sized gun safes and can also be used on shelves or tabletops.
Its soft, non-abrasive lining, which helps protect your firearms from scratches and other damage. The rack is also adjustable, allowing you to customize the spacing between the pistol slots
Safe Lighting Kits
You can also install a light on the inside of your safe.
There are many great lights on the market, especially LED lights which can last for more than six months, depending upon how often you access your safe.
Liberty Safe – Brightview Gun Safe Light 2 Wand Kit
Brightview Gun Safe Light 2 Wand Kit is an excellent solution for illuminating the contents of your gun safe. The kit includes two 12-inch LED light wands that are easy to install and provide a bright and clear light source.
The wands can be mounted in a variety of locations within the safe, allowing you to customize the lighting to suit your needs. The kit also includes a motion sensor, which helps conserve battery life by turning the lights off when the safe is not in use.
Gun Safe Organizers
Organizers are available in a variety of forms from panel organizers to door organizers. Liberty panel organizers sell for around $130 and come with 3 quick draw holsters, choke tube holders, cool pockets, mesh storage pockets and zip pockets.
Liberty Safe Gun Door Panel Organizer
Other popular options include pistol hangers and stands. Pistol stands generally sell for $20-30 apiece and can hold as many as four to six handguns.
Safe Alarms
LIberty used to make a pretty cool model, but since have discontinued. Now a days we suggest just getting a nest camera and pointing it at your safe.
Google Nest Camera Indoor
Works great and doesn’t give false alarms like old safe alarm options.
Best Gun Safe Humidifiers – Conclusion
As we’ve seen, there are a number of great gun safe dehumidifiers and gun safe accessories to choose from. While the Lockdown Silica Gel Can is my top pick for the best safe dehumidifier of 2022, there are lots of alternatives out there that may be right for you.
When selecting your gun safe dehumidifier, be sure to consider a few important factors. Think about what your budget is, what you need to use the dehumidifier for, how large your gun safe is, and whether or not you may require more than one dehumidifier to cover more ground.
Everyone’s needs are different, but hopefully, this list will help you make the right choice for your personal preferences. Happy hunting.
For more gun safe info check out: