Best Walther PPS Holster Options 2024 Top 5 Choices

The Tulster Profile - Best Holster for a Walther PPS M2

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As concealed carriers, we all have important decisions to make. Since you’ve made the first decision of carrying the Walther PPS, you now have the second decision. Which Walther PPS holster should you use?

I considered many factors, including type of carry, material, retention, comfort, and quality of construction. One holster possesses the best combination of these factors: the Tulster Profile IWB Holster.



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Walther PPS Holster: The Competitors

I’ll rank these holsters later, but let’s look at the top pick first.


Product NameWhere to Buy
image of The Tulster ProfileThe Tulster ProfileCheck Price
image of Concealment Express IWB HolsterConcealment Express IWB HolsterCheck Price
image of Galco Stinger Leather HolsterGalco Stinger Leather HolsterCheck Price
image of Outbags Leather IWB Conceal Carry Gun HolsterOutbags Leather IWB Conceal Carry Gun HolsterCheck Price
image of Galco Ankle HolsterGalco Ankle HolsterCheck Price


The Tulster Profile – Best Holster for a Walther PPS M2


The Tulster Profile - Best Holster for a Walther PPS M2


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The Tulster Profile is an inside the waistband (IWB) holster designed to ride on the belt in several positions. You can use this holster to carry in the appendix position, or the strong-side hip at the 3:00 to 5:00 position.

The ability to change the carry position is important; especially when carrying the subcompact Walther PPS. If you require deep concealment, appendix carry is a great alternative. At the same time, hip carry is a strong option for those of you who sit for long periods and desire more comfort in your carry rig.

It is constructed from kydex and ships with a quick clip belt attachment. Kydex is a thermoplastic material well suited (and very popular) for holster construction due to its durability and ability to maintain its shape. Belt clip attachments allow for quick and easy placement of the holster on a belt, while they maintain belt retention.

Adjustments for retention and cant of the pistol are simple and require no special tools. A screwdriver is all you need to increase or decrease retention and change the angle of cant.

Tulster offers a lifetime warranty on the Profile. They will repair or replace holster which break or crack, so long as they are not altered by the user.

Concealment Express IWB Holster for Walther PPS


Concealment Express IWB Holster for Walther PPS


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My next choice for holstering the Walther PPS is another kydex product, offered to consumers by Concealment Express. Like my previous pick, it has the same versatility in carry positions.

You can easily set up the rig to carry on the hip, or appendix. A similar belt clip is used for attachment for quick belt mounting.

Level one adjustable retention is achieved through a simple screw and gasket setup. Cant is also adjustable, providing the gun owner options in grip angle on the draw. Once again, both adjustments require only a screwdriver.

Similarities abound between this holster and my number one choice (Concealment Express also issues a lifetime warranty). Don’t worry; we’ll set them apart later.

Galco Stinger Leather Holster for Walther PPS


Galco Stinger Leather Holster for Walther PPS


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When you talk about leather holsters, you have to talk about Galco. The Stinger model is an obvious option for those of you looking for an outside the waistband (OWB) leather holster. It is designed to be carried on the hip from the 3:00-5:00 position.

The belt attachment is the single tunnel style, leather loop. This gives the user maximum belt retention, but requires the belt to be removed from your pants and fed through the holster.

As a holster material, leather still deserves consideration in your holster choice. Leather is durable, as well as comfortable. With proper care and maintenance, leather holsters can last years.

Carrying OWB is still a viable choice for some people; especially with a subcompact like the Walther PPS. OWB holsters, like the Stinger, also give you the choice of open-carrying, if you require that option.

However, like most OWB holsters, the Galco Stinger has no adjustment for gun cant. Also, like most leather options, there is no adjustment for gun retention in the holster.

Outbags Leather IWB Conceal Carry Gun Holster for Walther PPS & PPS M2


Outbags Leather IWB Conceal Carry Gun Holster for Walther PPS & PPS M2


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Outbags gives us a classic look in an IWB style. The LOB2S-PPS, which is hand crafted and dyed, is a brown leather IWB holster which uses a clip for belt attachment. The placement of the clip results in a straight vertical pistol orientation and a very low ride height inside your belt. Belt retention is good and cant is fixed.

The LOB2S does offer some versatility. You should have little problem wearing a Walther PPS in the appendix position with this Outbags product. It also sits well on the hip. Depending on your body style, you should have no trouble carrying in the traditional 3:00 to 5:00 position.

Classic brown leather has a distinct look, but that’s not the only benefit to leather. For those of you looking at IWB carry, you’ll notice the comfort different between leather and kydex. Over time, your leather holster will start to “break in” and form to your body until your holster feels like a natural fit.

Galco Ankle Holster For Walther PPS


Galco Ankle Holster For Walther PPS


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In any holster discussion involving subcompacts like the Walther PPS, I must include an ankle holster. The PPS is a great size for a backup gun (BUG), and ankle carry is a great carry option for BUGs.

One of the most popular ankle carry systems is the Galco Ankle Glove. The Ankle Glove is a leather holster sewn to a neoprene cuff which wraps around your lower calf. The neoprene sleeve attaches with Velcro and contains a sheepskin liner for increased comfort. A reinforced thumb break allows for strong retention and a sure draw.

Not only are ankle holsters great for BUGs, they are also utilized for deep concealment. There’s very little chance of printing, especially with the Walther PPS. And think about it. When was the last time you looked at someone’s ankle?



Ranking the Walther PPS Holsters



1. Tulster Profile IWB

Let me identify my bias. I carry in the appendix position with an IWB kydex holster. Sometimes, I like to use the same holster to carry in the 4:00 position. Comfort is not my first priority. The Tulster Profile is a high quality, versatile, dependable holster which fills my needs.


  • Kydex construction
  • Injection molded belt clip
  • Clip can be replaced with soft loops
  • Appendix or hip carry positions
Kydex doesn’t collapse, allowing for easy re-holsteringRigid. Uncomfortable
Soft loop option for increased belt retentionBelt clip may move on belt
Adjustable gun retention
Quality craftsmanship removes sharp edges

2. Galco Ankle Glove

Did I surprise you here? Let me explain. Typically, when I carry a subcompact like the Walther PPS, I carry it as a BUG or in places which require deep concealment. The Ankle Glove was designed for just these situations.


  • Neoprene cuff, lined with sheepskin
  • Leather holster assembly
  • Thumb break retention strap
  • Optional calf strap
Highly concealableCumbersome draw
Very comfortable (you’ll forget you’re wearing it)Limits clothing choices (I like to wear shorts in the summer!)
Quality construction

3. Concealment Express IWB

In keeping with my style of carry, I’ve selected the Concealment Express for the third position. Hand me this holster and a Walther PPS, and I’ll carry it in the appendix all day.


  • Multiple carry positions on the belt
  • Belt clip attachment
  • Kydex construction
  • Soft loop option
Adjustable retention screwThe belt clip doesn’t offer great belt retention (I would buy some soft loops)
Easy re-holstering KydexKydex is still unforgiving and uncomfortable
Easy to put on and take off the beltSharp edges may need to be sanded or filed

4. Outbags LOB2S-PPS

I’m a sucker for rustic leather. It reminds me of the famous gunfighters of the cowboy era. Of course, I prefer kydex, but if I had to wear a leather holster, it would be some sort of IWB product. Let’s get into the details of the Outbags holster.


  • Inside the waistband
  • Belt clip attachment
  • Leather construction
  • Holster is formed to the gun
Hand crafted and hand dyedThe belt clip. I want soft loops for absolute retention
Good concealment with IWB carry and low ride heightTypically, leather collapses and makes for difficult re-holstering
Comfortable leatherMaintenance of leather
It looks cool!

5. Galco Stinger

The Stinger rounds out my list for one reason. It’s an outside the waistband holster. However, if I was forced to carry the Walther PPS outside my belt, I’d want the Stinger. For those of you set on the OWB design, or on the fence with IWB, consider these points.


  • Leather construction
  • Tunnel-style, single belt loop
  • Holster formed to the Walther PPS
  • OWB, hip position on the belt
Comfort! There is simply nothing more comfortable than OWB leatherOWB decreases your ability to conceal your gun
Proven qualityMust be worn in the 3:00-5:00 position. No appendix carry
Suitable for concealed or open carryCant is fixed
Absolute belt retention with the leather belt loop

Best Walther PPS Holster – Conclusion

There’s my take on five holster options for the Walther PPS.

What is the Best Holster for the Walther PPS?

The Tulster Profile was a clear winner, for me. Its attributes give me the best combination of durability, versatility, fit and finish, and ability to conceal. I need the appendix option.

Kydex is superbly strong. I want to be able to add soft loop belt attachments. Adjustable retention is a great feature. Cant needs to be adjustable, as well, for different carry positions. Whichever holster you choose, remind yourself of these key factors. Choose the right holster, and carry on.

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