Best Smith & Wesson MP Shield Pocket Holster for 2024

Concealed carry M&P Shield

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You have an MP Shield and you are thinking about carrying it in your pocket. The MP shield is a little bigger than some of the pocket pistols out there, but pocket carry is definitely an option with this gun. But what is the Best Smith & Wesson MP Shield Pocket Holster?

Sometimes IWB just isn’t going to work for you because of clothing type or activity level. For whatever reason, you may be asking, “What is the best MP shield pocket holster?”

I have done the research and found the DeSantis N38 Nemesis Holster to be the best one out there.



It is made to stay in your pocket. The outside material is sticky to keep it in place and the inside material is smooth so you can get you gun out quickly, if needed.

Here is a quick video I found about pocket carrying the MP Shield.



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Pros and Cons of Pocket Carry Holsters for a MP Shield

There are things to take into consideration if you want to carry your Shield. Do you clothes allow you to pocket carry? Are the pockets big enough? Is your gun too heavy?

As with any method of carrying a weapon, there are advantages and disadvantages to carrying in your pocket. In this case, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.


Pocket carry is comfortable. Any time you have the extra weight of a gun on your body, it will take some getting used to. This way of carrying can be easier to get used to because we’ve all carried oddly shaped objects or heavy things, at some point, in our pockets.

Pocket carry conceals very good. Good pocket holsters are designed with extra padding or flaps to hide the shape of your gun. Even if you can see that something is in your pocket you can’t really tell what it is. A nice holster makes your gun look like a phone, wallet or some other everyday object is what’s in there.

Pocket carry is convenient. Unless you wear skinny jeans, you really don’t have to think too much about wardrobe changes. All you need is deep enough and large enough pockets. No thoughts of special belts, always wearing a jacket, long shirts or having to buy bigger size pants. What could be more convenient than slipping your holster in a pocket?

Pocket carry is good for quick draw. As long as you are slanting your pull at an angle, drawing your gun from your pocket is a very natural and quick movement. There is no need to move your jacket, lift your shirt or wrestle with a pant leg to get to your gun.

Pocket Carry is secure. Especially if you carry in your front pants pocket, anyone trying to get to your gun is going to have to wrestle their way into your pocket first. Gun grab may be easier with other types of carry.

Pocket carry is under the radar. With pocket carry, you may have an opportunity to prestage your defensive actions. While we don’t advocate handling your gun for no reason (it just draws unnecessary attention), if things are escalating and you feel drawing your gun may be necessary, slipping your hand into your pocket is not a threatening movement.


Pocket carry can be tricky. If you find yourself in a sticky situation and stress levels are high you may have a little more difficulty getting your hand in your pocket and on the grip of the gun.

Pocket carry limits the gun you carry. It is just too uncomfortable and obvious to try and carry large guns in your pocket.

Choosing A Pocket Holster for a MP Shield

Pocket holsters come in different designs and are made from different materials. The ultimate purpose of the pocket holster is to stabilize the gun in the pocket and cover the trigger for safety.

There are two main styles: front pocket and rear pocket. A front pocket holster holds the gun upright, covers the trigger guard and keeps the gun stable in your pocket. A rear pocket holster may add a smooth, “anti-print” panel, the size of the gun, so that a smooth square shape is what is seen from the outside of the pocket.

It looks like you are carrying a wallet. Some people use the rear, anti-print, holster in the front pocket for more concealability. Some manufacturers make holsters with a removable panel so you can use it either way.

Front pocket holsters are ambidextrous but you must choose the handedness of the rear pocket holster as the flap needs to be on the outside of the gun. Keep this in mind if you are ordering online.


Pocket holsters can be made out of synthetic materials or leather. Most synthetic holsters, like nylon or or vinyl, are less expensive than leather and are not form fit to particular guns. A lot of the synthetic holsters are made to grip the inside of your pocket.

Leather will have better retention and will form to your body over time. It is better looking than nylon or vinyl but that may not matter for something that spend most of it’s time hidden in your pocket.


Once you have chosen your holster, think about your carrying routine. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you pocket carry.

  • Carry Safely. Always use a quality holster that covers the trigger guard
  • Practice your draw. Keep practicing your draw so it becomes second nature
  • Keep the gun clean. Pocket lint and crud can get in your muzzle so keep it clean

Top Picks for MP Shield Pocket Holster

Let’s get on with the top pick for pocket holsters for the MP Shield.


Product NameWhere to Buy
image of DeSantis N38 Nemesis Pocket HolsterDeSantis N38 Nemesis Pocket HolsterCheck Price
image of Orgunizer Pocket HolsterOrgunizer Pocket HolsterCheck Price
image of Galco Pocket Protector Holster for Smith & Wesson MP ShieldGalco Pocket Protector Holster for Smith & Wesson MP ShieldCheck Price
image of Borall Eagle Pocket Holster for Smith & Wesson MP ShieldBorall Eagle Pocket Holster for Smith & Wesson MP ShieldCheck Price


1. DeSantis N38 Nemesis Pocket Holster


Desantis Nemesis Pocket Holster


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DeSantis says the material on the outside of this holster is like fly paper. It was designed to keep your front pocket holster to stay put.


  • Ambidextrous
  • Core foam breaks up the look of the gun
  • Inside is smooth for low friction draw
  • Cloth material
Fits the Shield perfectlyNeed trousers with large pockets
Smooth drawMay snag with draw
Stays in pocketSeems a little flimsy
Great for cargo shorts
Does not print

2. Orgunizer Pocket Holster


Orgunizer Pocket Holster for MP Shield


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This holster is cut and sewn to match your gun make and model. It is made of cloth which is rough on the outside and smooth on the inside.


  • Ambidextrous
  • Designed to fit gun like a glove
  • Wide base
Works great for MP ShieldWorks best with deep pockets
Keeps gun uprightMay slip
InexpensiveCan come out with draw
Usable right out of the box

3. Galco Pocket Protector Holster for Smith & Wesson MP Shield


Galco Pocket Protector Holster for MP Shield


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This holster will safely keep your gun in your pocket. Covers the gun completely and has a smooth draw.


  • Made from premium cut suede
  • Metal reinforced mouth
  • Keeps firearm upright in pocket
Works great in cargo pants pocketsNo retention device
LightweightGun fits loose
Covers the trigger

4. Borall Eagle Pocket Holster for Smith & Wesson MP Shield


Borall Eagle Pocket Holster


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This is a pocket holster made of kydex. The innovative design allows you to load and unload your gun while holstered. It allows for quick draw using the Borall Eagle hook to hook the pocket.


  • Mimics the shape of a wallet
  • Very discrete
  • Drawing motion enables the hook
  • Holds weapon upright in pocket
LightToo tight retention
Molded to the gunStiff
Stays in pocketTakes practice to use

Best Smith & Wesson MP Shield Pocket Holster – Final Thoughts

It is possible to pocket carry your MP Shield. It’s a little on the bigger size for pocket carry, so keep that in mind.

There are some great options out there in pocket holsters for the MP Shield. After looking them over, I think the DeSantis N38 Nemesis outperforms the others. DeSantis is a quality brand and known for their pocket holsters. It does everything a pocket holster should do. It really is a good pocket holster and it should last you a very long time.

Recommended Reading

MP Shield Holsters

M&P 45 Shield

Glock 26 VS. Shield M2.0

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