The Best CZ P09 Holster for the Money [2024 Review]

The Best CZ P09 Holster for the Money [2023 Review]

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You are the proud owner of a CZ P09 pistol. Being one of their somewhat newer models, and still maintaining their ever-competitive pricing, you’ve made a great choice for reliability, functionality, and overall style. Of course, to go along with your excellent choice in pistol, you’ll want a CZ P 09 holster that is just as good. While your CZ is great for a bedside protective weapon, you might also want to take it with you to the range or simply keep on your person.

Before we go into the details of the post, I’m sure you’re wondering our main choice. The Hogue PowerSpeed Concealed Carry Holster OWB is the best option, from what I’ve discovered. It is an excellent CZ P09 holster and will allow you to tote it with you in comfort.

Best CZ P09 Holster Quick Pick

Before we go into the details of the post, I’m sure you’re wondering our main choice.

Hogue PowerSpeed Concealed Carry Holster OWB


Hogue PowerSpeed Concealed Carry Holster


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The Hogue PowerSpeed Concealed Carry Holster OWB is the best option, from what I’ve discovered. It is an excellent CZ P09 holster and will allow you to tote it with you in comfort. We will dive into the features, pros and cons below.



Now, before we move on to review a few holster options, let’s discuss some of the basics of holsters.


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What To Look For in a Holster

Level of Retention

Level of retention is used to describe the number of devices a holster has to keep it in place. Typically you’ll hear it called level 1, level 2, and level 3. This can be valuable to your choice, because depending on how you plan to use your sidearm, the retention level plays an important part.

What it comes down to, ultimately, is whether you want more control over keeping your weapon secure and not so easily attainable, or if you want it to be a quick draw yet more vulnerable and accessible.

Passive Retention

Passive retention has less to do with how many mechanisms are involved and more to do with the way it is retained. In a nutshell, the wielder is the one responsible for initiating the retention.

These usually have to do with things such as thumb brakes and flaps. In essence, you are responsible for fastening them into place.

Active Retention

Active retention is a newer technology. This system basically allows your holster to do the work. You press your weapon into place, and the retention activates.

In order to deactivate it, it must be held “off” for your firearm to be drawn. These systems prevent the occasional, and accidental, unfastening of the passive features.

Level I

This is one of the lowest levels of retention. It has no features or devices holding your weapon in place, other than the simple pouch your pistol rests in.

While this does allow for the quickest draw, often depicted in a traditional Western, your gun is more susceptible to being dislodged. Thus, though it may be a fast deployment, it is not at all the most secure.

Level II

Level 2 is the minimum requirement in the military and in law enforcement. With this one, there is generally one device used, such as a strap or lever; overall it is some sort of thumb-brake.

While it’s not the instant draw like a level 1, it’s still quick and very convenient. It is recommended wielders spend some time practicing quick-draw with this to get used to it, as it can be awkward at first.

You may find a holster of this description labeled as a Level 1. This is a common element of confusion in the holster manufacturing world, but generally these are the practical classifications.

Level III

These can start to get a little tricky. It basically combines the uses of a level two, plus a few additional needed techniques.

Generally, there are certain amounts of pushing pulling, and holding to get your weapon out of a level 3 retention holster. While they are secure, and make it incredibly difficult for a perpetrator to get their hands on–often impossible–they can be tedious and hefty for the wearer.

Generally, law enforcement are the main owners of these, as it does take plenty of special training to get used to handling it smoothly and quickly.

Further Levels

The level of retention goes as far as a level 4 or even a 5. These can get extremely tricky, but for those that want to keep their firearm from having any possibility of slipping out or being stolen off their person, these holsters are the safest, by comparison.

Confusion over Retention Level 

The main reason for confusion with retention comes down to the amount of devices on the holster. Many think the level has to do with how many mechanisms there are, when in reality this might not be the case.

It comes down to, mostly, the steps that need to be taken in order to remove the pistol from the holster.

Retention Test

Originally, a test was created, called Roger’s test, to determine the level of retention. Person number one wears the holster with firearm in place, and person two “attacks.”

According to an article on, In this simulated attack, person number two must tug on the pistol in all directions, without deactivating the mechanisms such as straps or flaps. For five seconds, they attempt to remove the weapon. If it is not dislodged, the holster is deemed a level 1.

Further tests were made for level 2, this time the snap being undone on the same holster in the first example. If the gun still cannot be removed, it is then promoted to a level 2.

So it goes for further testing of levels. A level three would mean all mechanisms are undone, leaving only the ejection port in tact. If this attempt is unsuccessful, the holster is a level 3.

Top Holster Choices for the CZ P-09

Just like your choice of gun was up to you, and the level of retention is to your preference, so is the holster you end up choosing. That’s why we’re talking about a few choices here so you don’t have to settle on our favorite, because your favorite might not be the same.

Let’s take a look at the top four holsters we’ve discovered, and from there, while we judge our favorite you can determine yours.



Product NameWhere to Buy
image of Hogue PowerSpeed Concealed Carry Holster OWBHogue PowerSpeed Concealed Carry Holster OWBCheck Price
image of Fobus CZ-DUTY Black Belt Gun Holster BELT HolsterFobus CZ-DUTY Black Belt Gun Holster BELT HolsterCheck Price
image of Fobus CZ P-09 Evolution Paddle HolsterFobus CZ P-09 Evolution Paddle HolsterCheck Price
image of Outlaw USA OWB Holster Right-Hand CZ P09Outlaw USA OWB Holster Right-Hand CZ P09Check Price


1. Hogue PowerSpeed Concealed Carry Holster OWB


The Hogue PowerSpeed CZ P09 Holster has an automatic attention lock

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This holster is fitted to the exact shape of the P-09, thus concealing it much more smoothly even as an OWB. With an automatic attention lock that is secure yet allows for quick draw, this holster is definitely a great choice, we think.

Hogue PowerSpeed CZ P09 Holster Features

  • Automatic retention
  • Concealed retention system
  • Contoured shape
  • Quick draw
  • Paddle and adjustable belt plate
Easy to handle retentionStiff material for first few weeks
Conceal-carry friendly even as OWBSights can catch on plastic
Adjustable for straight and cross draw and FBI angle

2. Fobus CZ-DUTY Black Belt Gun Holster BELT Holster


Fobus CZ-DUTY Black Belt Gun Holster BELT Holster for CZ 75 P-07 DUTY & P09 is great for quick draw

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With a spring-like holster mechanism, this one is great for quick draw as well. It is secure, efficient, and a great fit for the CZ P-09, as the title indicates.

Fobus CZ-DUTY P09 Features

  • Molded fit
  • Quick draw
  • Spring retention mechanism
  • Belt holster
  • Lifetime Warranty
Easy to drawOverseas purchase
Can adjust tensionMay need to adjust belt hole size
Good fitMagnet sometimes forgotten

3. Fobus CZ P-09 Evolution Paddle Holster


Fobus CZ P-07 Evolution Paddle Holster


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This is a great option for the level 1 retention lover. It is a comfortable, open carry holster that fits the CZ P-09 just as good as the P-07.

Fobus CZ P-09 Evolution Paddle Holster Features

  • 100% Kydex
  • Duty paddle
  • Retention adjustment screws
  • Steel reinforced rivet attachment
Good retention after adjustmentPaddle holster (con for those who prefer belt holster)
Easy careLimited retention
Paddle Holster (pro for those who prefer)Might be tight fit for P-09
Stiff when first purchased

4. Outlaw USA OWB Holster Right-Hand CZ P09


Outlaw USA OWB Holster Right-Hand CZ P09


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For those who like a little flare, this Patriotic-design holster has both an awesome design as well as functionality for your specific firearm.

Outlaw USA CZ P-09 Holster Features

  • Kydex
  • Custom made
  • One year replacement warranty
  • OWB
Makes you look like a patriotWhite edge (white specks can get on gun)
Molded fitDesign may wear off a bit
Left/Right optionsLow retention (If you prefer level 2 or higher)
Low retention (if you prefer a level 1)

Our Top CZ P09 Holster Pick

It was a tough decision, but ultimately we think the best option is the Hogue PowerSpeed Concealed Carry Holster Outside the Waistband (OWB) CZ 75 P-09, due to it’s perfected fit to the CZ P-09. It’s at a well-balanced retention level, still quick draw, and is good quality.

The Hogue has a very reasonable price as well, and you won’t feel like you were handed anything cheap. It’s hard to come by a holster that fits the P-09, as CZ’s seem to have a reputation for being difficult that way, but this one deserves a round of applause for being just right.

Hopefully you’ve found a holster you love by reading this article. As you can see, retention level plays a big part in every holster, and once you get used to it it’s easy to determine the level on your own.

if you’ve had experience with any of these or another holster, let us know in the comments below!

Recommended Reading

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4 Responses

  1. Thank you. I have the HOGUE, and it is a great rig but I can’t get it to mount TORNADO on my chest rig which is where i prefer to carry it while in a vehicle. Well, it’s where i carry ONE of my 09s. I carry 2 along with 4 to 6 extra mags. so, the Hogue still rides STRONG SIDE or cross draw. I’m looking at options that are a little less bulky for that style of carry, too. I have no qualms about trading high retention for draw speed on the gun belt. On my chest rig, retention is still a real factor. Especially when you eat dirt like a linebacker that I seem to have to do a lot… THANKS AGAIN,

  2. IMI-Israel (Level 2), Dasta-Czech Republic (Level 3), Orpaz-USA (Level 1). All three are excellent.

  3. Blade Tech is making their DOH holster to fit. Excellent by the way.

    I also need a tactical active retention holster. the M-13 fits it but the M-13 sux on many levels.

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