The Iconic Remington Model 700: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

The 308 Remington 700 bolt action rifle

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The Remington Model 700 is a series of bolt-action rifles that have become nothing short of iconic in the world of hunting, and it continues to be one of the best-selling Remington rifles available on the market even after satisfying customers for the past 50 years.

As a matter of fact, the Remington Model 700 is probably the bolt-action rifle that has been sold more than any other in the U.S.A.

The Remington 700 comes in a wide variety of designs and calibers to satisfy the needs of any hunter or sport shooter. All these designs are based around the same bolt-action system Remington used in the very first Model 700 released all the way back in 1962.

To this day, the Remington Model 700 is a trustworthy firearm for anyone looking into buying a rifle that they won’t ever outgrow.

Okay, let’s dive in and take a look at this iconic piece of firearm history.

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The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly of the Remington 700

The Remington 700 SPS Bolt Action Rifle

What better way to get to the core, you know, the real brass tacks of a firearm than to break it down into the good ole phrase: “The good, the bad, and the ugly.”

That is exactly how we are going to break up this article.

This way you can get a look at what makes the Remington Model 700 really shine as well as where it could do just a little bit better, in my opinion, to hopefully give you a better idea of what to look forward to if you are considering adding a Remington 700 to your gun safe anytime soon.

The Good about the Remington Model 700

The Remington 700 is an iconic bolt-action, a center-fire rifle that has been a staple of the hunting arena for the past 50 years. And still going strong to this day. And it’s really no wonder why or how it has been able to etch out a sport in the history books… and hold it.

For starters, Remington crafts all their firearms with the highest quality materials available. And the Remington Model 700 is not the outlier in that either.

You will find triple-layered steel barrels in a variety of sizes, sealed solid wood shoulder stocks, and high-impact polymer frames on the lightweight versions.

The Remington Model 700 American Wilderness Rifle Bolt Action RIfle

How Accurate is a Remington 700?

Straight out of the box this rifle has the most on-point accuracy that I’ve seen in the same price range from large competitors.

That’s all thanks to its internal design which features 3 rings of steel that are locked into the bedding platform gives you more reliable accuracy than a lot of other rifles on the market currently.

Remington 700 Barrels

The barrel on every Remington Model 700 is hand-forged from steel and is made to very specific guidelines in an effort to make sure that they are precise and durable enough to hold a steady aim for many years to come.

Since its inception, the Remington 700 has worked hard and built quite a loyal following for itself. So much so that there is a truly massive aftermarket dedicated to just this one rifle.

Remington 700 Accessories

With all the accessories and upgrades developed for this rifle over the years, you will never have to worry about outgrowing your Remington 700. You can upgrade it and switch it up a bit as your needs change over time. I know people who have owned their Model 700 for 30+ years and even some who have had one passed down to them from their grandparents or fathers.

Remington 700 Repairs

Since it has such a massive following and is easy to work on, you will never have trouble finding someone who can work on your gun for you.

This also means that there is an endless supply of information out there about how to work on the Remington Model 700, enough so that you can do basic work on it yourself with just a day or so of research.

The Remington 700 SPS (Special Purpose Synthetic) Varmint Bolt Action Rifle

Remington 700 Military Use

Another major selling point for this rifle is the fact that the Remington Model 700 is trusted and actively used in the line of duty for the military of 6 countries. When you can gain the trust and loyalty of soldiers who must trust this rifle to save their life should the need arise, you know you are doing something right.

Overall, the Remington Model 700 is a very well-built, reliable rifle that comes with a legacy that really speaks for itself.

The Bad about the Remington Model 700

First, let’s take a look at one major thing that happened not too long ago. Something that has really tarnished the Remington brand as a whole in a lot of people’s eyes…

The Remington Model 700 went through a massive recall back in February 2017. Now, I don’t think I have to tell anyone who may be reading this blog that Remington is a HUGE firearms manufacturer, and an extremely popular one at that.

The Remington Model 700 went through a massive recall back in February 2017.


Beyond that, the Model 700 is by far the most popular rifle out there to this day. So, you can only imagine how many rifles were involved in this recall. The number is somewhere around 8 million.

Why was the Remington Model 700 Recalled?

The reason for the recall was due to some excess bonding agent used in the assembly process being left on the XMP trigger that the Remington 700 features. This excess bonding agent was thought to be responsible for allowing the firearm, under certain circumstances, to unintentionally discharge.

Is My Remington Model Recalled?

The rifles included in this recall would be any that were manufactured from May 1, 2006, to April 9, 2014.

However, Remington eventually did the most responsible thing they could do in this situation. They admitted they had found a common problem, and then issued the safety recall. If you happen to have a Model 700 made between those dates you can send your rifle to Remington and they will inspect it, clean it, test it, and return it to you for free.

The Remington Model 700 being manufactured


How to Adjust a Trigger on a Remington 700?

Adjusting the Trigger on a Remington 700 is not something we recommend. It can lead to creating a dangerous firearm if not done properly.

However, if you insist on adjusting your trigger, we found an article on that walk you through adjusting a Remington 700 trigger step by step.

Remington Model 700 Feed Rail

The second thing that I have personally found out about my own Remington Model 700 that I really don’t care much for has to do with a feed rail issue. Sometimes I can be out hunting large game and need to get ammo fed quickly to pull off that one shot.

If I am too quick, or loading under stress, the cartridge seems to love getting stuck under the feed rail of the receiver and the magazine.

It’s because of this issue that in the past year or so I have been carrying a couple of different push-feed hunting rifles around with me whenever I go out on a day trip.

The Ugly about the Remington 700

You know how I said that there is a massive aftermarket for the Remington 700? Be glad it’s there because the Remington Model 700 is a basic rifle when it comes to aesthetics.

Let me be clear before I talk myself into a hole here, I really like this rifle. It is well-built, and has passed the test of time many times over. My Remington 700 has never let me down in the 16 years I’ve owned it.

But, I have never cared much for the look of most of the versions of this rifle.

There are indeed some versions of the model that are absolutely gorgeous. However, fresh out of the box, the basic models like the Model 700 CDL SF or the Model 700 American Wilderness Rifle just aren’t that super-impressive. They are your standard plain-jane-style rifle with maybe a few eye-catching designs here and there.

The Remington 700 bolt action rifle comes in different editions


There are a few models like the ADL – 200th Anniversary Edition that are designed with a little more attention to detail on the woodwork and the like. It’s those simple little things that can make a rifle truly stand out from the rest in terms of eye-catching design.

Remington 700 Aesthetics

When it comes time to buy your Remington 700, don’t let the aesthetics get in the way of making a good purchase.

Visual appeal is a nice thing to have and gives you something else about your rifle to be proud of. But your rifle’s true merit does not lie in its eye-candy factor, it’s all about how well it performs for you.

And to be quite honest, with all that open real estate on your gun, you have a lot of wiggle room to customize it the way you want. Just throw a decent rifle scope on that plain barrel and you will begin to see what I mean.

Overall, Remington has a nice selection of variations for the Model 700. But most of them are very plain and basic. So you may want to consider adding some aftermarket parts over time unless you enjoy a minimal, sleek look.

Remington 700 Models For Sale

Hopefully, even though we’ve told some of the bad and ugly about the Remington 700 you understand we think this is one solid firearm. We highly recommend adding one to your collection.  Here are a few of our favorite versions and links to buy.

In order of Price Low to High

Remington Model 700 ADL

Remington Model 700 ADL

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The “ADL” stands for average deluxe. But there is nothing average about this 700 chambered in a .308. Should be around $600, leaving you plenty of cash to pick up a high quality rifle scope for your .308.

Remington Model 700 CDL


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CDL is the “Classic Deluxe”. The Walnut Stock is gorgeous.  Pairs nicely with the 24-inch blued barrel. Slap a scope it and you are ready to roll.

Remington Model 700 BDL


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BDL is the “Better Deluxe”. Again, beautiful American walnut stock, but has a raised cheekpiece.  Features include a hinged magazine floorplate, sling swivel studs, hooded ramp front sight, and adjustable rear sight.

Remington Model 700 SPS Tactical


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This tactical Model 700, is all about maneuverability. The shorter, heavy contour barrel and SuperCell recoil pad allow you to move quickly and stay on target. Hogue over moldings on the stock facilitate ensure a good grip, and it has a semi-beavertail fore-end for added stability.

Remington 700 Model Questions

We get lots of questions about various Remington 700 Models. Here are answers to some of the most common Remington 700 questions we get.

What Caliber is My Remington 700?

To see what caliber your Remington 700 is you can usually check the floor plate. Or the place where the removable clip goes in.

The caliber is also usually stamped on the barrel of the rifle. Sometimes all you will find is the serial number, you can usually search on the internet by serial number.

How to Disassemble a Remington 700?

Disassembling a Remington 700 isn’t terribly difficult. Always be sure your 700 is unloaded before starting.

How Much is a Remington Model 700 270 Worth?

A Remington Model 700 270 depending upon upgrades and accessories can be worth anywhere from $750 to $2,000. has several quality used Remington 700s in .270 Caliber to buy. 

Remington 700 – Final Thoughts

The Remington Model 700, simply put, is nothing short of an amazing gun manufactured by a company that is known worldwide for its dedication to quality craftsmanship.

I absolutely love mine and take it with me on most of my hunting trips and it has never really let me down.

Just as with any firearm, there are a few things about this rifle that may be less than desirable. But in the grand scheme of things, I believe it is safe to say that the pros of the Remington Model 700 easily and far outweigh its cons.

If you are considering throwing one in your range bag the next time you head out for some target practice, you are already headed in the right direction! Now you just need a high-quality shooting rest and you are good to go.

Is this your first rifle? Want to see a comparable bolt-action option for beginners that is also affordable? Check out our review of the Remington 597.

Recommended Reading

Remington 597 Beginner Rifle

4 Responses

  1. I’ve owned a number of Remington shotguns but only one rifle- the 700 CDL in 30-06. As a left handed shooter Remington is at least somewhat respectable in offerings for LH shooters though they don’t compare to Savage, which is my favorite manufacturer. Other companies like Winchester and Ruger, and even Tikka, are not in the running as far as I’m concerned. Aesthetically the Remington out-does my old Savage 110L rifles, one in .308 and one in .270, but I still love them all the same and won’t ever sell any of them. I’ve been selling my collection off but those three are not going anywhere. I’ve never done anything to any of them except maybe a recoil pad or new leather sling when needed. All shoot 1 MOA from the factory (good enough for me) using Remington or Norma factory ammo and a Leupold 3-9 scope with duplex reticle. My 700 was manufactured in July 2005 before their quality dropped shortly thereafter. I’ve never had any problem with the safety on my 700, but just as with any firearm I depend on my trigger finger as the ultimate safety. I really enjoy my 700 CDL and will get some rounds through it most every time I head to the range. Even with normal cleaning and maintenance she’s still as attractive to me as the day I bought her home. I’ll be proudly passing her along to my lefty son someday to add to his collection.

  2. I currently own a couple 700s. Owned many others over the years. The truth is they’re OK, not great. I have to lapp the bolt, change the trigger, bed/replace the stock… right from the get-go, just to match the standard out of box Tikka T3/X in quality. Then accuracy of the 700 is spotty and a replacement barrel might be called for. While the littke 700 extractor works, when it doesn’t it doesn’t and might cost you the hunt! Add a blueprint job and your 700 will be in factory Tikka territory. Too bad Remington didn’t build the 700 right/correctly from the start? There’s a reason there are so many aftermarket options. There’s a reason our armed forces compleatly re-build their 700s. From the factory the 700 is second rate.

    I actually think the 700 looks good and much better than most of the cheap plastic entry/budget rifles produced these days. I’m also torn between old school and utility rifles… wood/blued v.s. stainless/synthetic. My past 700s were 270, 7Mag, 416 and 375 H&H. Of the 2 owned today, one is a semi-custom stainless 300 RUM in lightweight carbon fiber stock. The other I just got recently to feed my Old School needs… a blued/wood stock 700 Classic in 300 Weatherby, to me the best looking 700 I’ve owned. The stock will need bedding, new pad, the trigger replaced, bolt lugs lapped and an aftermarket Speedlock firing pin assembly. Both these 2 700s can fill many hunting duties and out there as/if needed. With all this, were I staring out all over again, I wouldn’t choose a 700. On a budget for me it would be a T3 or T3X. As an example, on a budget I put together a stainless T3 in 375 Ruger! It shoots, is lightweight and I have kind of a special One-Off! Plus I didn’t have to blueprint or change the trigger!

  3. I’ve got the22-250 and now the 270 adl .I love both of them. They shoot Great at 350-400 yds. I’ll keep them til I die. Plus I’ve got the 1100 and 870 I’ll never part with them

  4. I was the owner of a Rem 700bdl 7mm mag, i bought it from Joe Fodor in Castlegar BC in the early 1960s. It had a trigger with no creep and as crisp as breaking a thin sheet of ice. What I did not like about that model was the pressed in checkering. I scrapped all the gloss finish off, and sanded the checkered surface, with a wet rag and hot iron I was able to get all the impressions off and I bought a set of checkering tools and refinished the stock. The rifle would drift up and to the right after 3 shots. I found the fore end to be pressing on the barrel, so i sanded the bedding so in fact it was a floating barrel. with good sand bags I could put 3 shots into the size of a 25cent piece, this rifle did its duty on a few elk and mule deer while i had it. i wished i still owned that baby, even though at 88 i hunt no more. i owned afew rifles before that big 7, like shultz & larsen, 7×61, Walther 270 and Husquavarna 06. but that big 7 was a dream come true.

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