Best Pocket Magazine Holster For Concealed Carry?

Sticky Holsters Single Super Pocket Magazine Holster Pouch

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You may find yourself pocket-carrying more and more. After all, it’s convenient, pocket holsters conceal well, and your gun is both secure and accessible. However, pocket pistols have a limited amount of ammunition they hold. Usually, 6 or 7 rounds. Carrying an extra magazine, in it’s own holster, is a great idea. So you need a pocket magazine holster.

Just throwing a magazine in your pocket may not be the best way to carry an extra one. If something is loose in your pocket, you have to do a lot of fishing around to find it. To fill this need, some manufacturers have made extra magazine pouches for your pocket.

You may be asking yourself, “What is the best magazine holster for concealed carry?” I’ve done some research and I would like to share my findings with you. My favorite pocket magazine holster is the Pocket Mag Pouch, by Elite Survival Systems.

This pouch is made from a padded, non slip material with a soft nylon inner lining. It keeps your extra ammo handy and accessible and can be used in either your left or right pocket.

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Advantages Of Pocket Magazine Holster

Using a magazine pouch keeps your extra magazine in the same spot. Think of it the same as using a pocket holster to carry your pocket pistol. You want good access to your extra magazine. Pocket magazine holsters keep your magazine in the same spot, secure and free from any pocket lint.

Maybe you carry on your hip. You can still use a pocket magazine holster for your extra magazine. Sometimes a hip holster with an extra magazine pouch becomes too bulky to carry concealed. A pocket magazine holster works great in this situation too.

Concealed Carry Guidelines

No matter which way you choose to carry, if you want your gun hidden, there are certain guidelines you want to follow.

Keep Learning

Some states require you to take a handgun safety class in order to qualify for a concealed carry permit. If your state does not require a course, or if the requirement is just a basic course, it’s always good to further your training. Look for instructors who really want to help you feel comfortable and confident before you leave their class.

After class time is over, spend time at the range. Often. Practice drawing from your holster, practice shooting, practice re-holstering. Get your muscle memory working for you. If you are ever in a serious situation, muscle memory will be a great advantage for you.

Get A Quality Holster

The holster you choose is the second most important choice you make when putting together your self defense arsenal.

Research the different materials that holsters are made of. Find out the pros and cons of each one. Leather, kydex, and nylon are the most popular choices out there.

There’s a reason why experienced gun users have a drawer full of holsters. It takes some time to figure out what you like best. Do you want OWB, IWB, SOB? There are multiple ways to carry your handgun and choosing which one is best is a personal decision, based on your needs and comfort.

Wear The Right Clothes

You don’t have to wear baggy pants and a huge sweatshirt in order to conceal a handgun. Depending on what type of holster you choose, you can wear many different types of clothing. You can also have different holsters to go with different types of dress. Shorts and a tank top need a different type of holster than jeans and a long shirt. You want to pick clothes that keep your handgun hidden from sight yet give you easy access to it.

Watch For Printing

Most people who carry concealed like the fact that their gun is hidden. I, along with others, like privacy and I don’t feel like it’s anyone’s business if I am carrying a firearm or not. Some states are not open carry and you can cause some problems if your gun shows under your clothes.

No matter the reason, if you carry concealed, you will want to check yourself for printing. Look in the mirror to see if you can see the shape of your gun under your clothes. Bend and twist into different positions to see if it causes your gun to peek through.

There are some common positions to check, depending on the type of holster you use.

  • OWB/IWB – You will want to check that your shirt or jacket covers the holster and lifting your arms, bending over, and sitting still keeps your gun covered.
  • Shoulder Holster -You need a light jacket or sports jacket to cover a shoulder holster. Check to make sure the jacket doesn’t fly open in wind or different positions.
  • Ankle Holster – Check yourself walking to see if it changes your gait. Watch for your pant leg lifting up while sitting.
  • Pocket Holster – Check yourself in the mirror while standing and sitting.

Always Carry

If you have taken the time and effort to get your concealed carry permit, carry all the time. Situations can arise if you are out for the day or if you just need to make a quick run to the convenience store. It pays to always be prepared.

Know Your Local Gun Laws

Every state has different gun laws. It’s your responsibility to know your local laws. Is your state a stand your ground state or a duty to retreat state? Do you know where you can and can not carry within your state? Google is full of information.

Be Responsible

Most people who carry concealed are responsible people and they know the weight of what lies in their holster. It is best to be the person who minds their own business as you go about your daily life. You can have confidence knowing that you are prepared to protect yourself or others, if the need arises.

Getting your concealed carry permit is just the first step in a life long journey. You are exercising your constitutional right to protect yourself and others. This also opens you up to ridicule. You become a part of a group of people that many do not agree with nor do they understand.



Top Pocket Magazine Holsters for Concealed Carry

Let’s get back to the top picks for pocket magazine holsters.


Product NameWhere to Buy
image of Elite Survival Systems Pocket Magazine Holster PouchElite Survival Systems Pocket Magazine Holster PouchCheck Price
image of DeSantis Pocket Magazine Holster Pack Single StackDeSantis Pocket Magazine Holster Pack Single StackCheck Price
image of Sticky Holsters Super Pocket Magazine Holster PouchSticky Holsters Super Pocket Magazine Holster PouchCheck Price


1. Elite Survival Systems Pocket Magazine Holster Pouch


Elite Survival Systems Pocket Magazine Holster Pouch


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This mag pouch works great for single stack magazines. Hiding an extra magazine, on the hip, can be difficult. This pocket pouch is a great way to conceal an extra magazine.

Elite Survival Systems Pocket Magazine Holster Pouch – Features

  • Ambidextrous
  • Non-slip outside material
  • Heavy duty material
  • Fits most single stack magazines
DiscreteIf the magazine has snags on it, it won’t work well
Can be worn in back pocketBreak in may be needed, if your nag is large
Stays in pocketBest to have a different pouch for different size mags
Doesn’t slip around
Well made

2. DeSantis Pocket Magazine Holster Pack Single Stack


Desantis Pocket Magazine Holster-Pack Glock 19


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This mag pouch works great for discreetly carrying an extra magazine. It has a nice slant to it so it feels natural grabbing the magazine from your pocket.

DeSantis Pocket Magazine Holster Pack Single Stack – Features

  • Weighs 2 oz
  • Made in the USA
  • Single stack mag pouch
  • Stays in pocket
  • Smooth interior material
Nice slant for natural feelYou need multiple pouches for different sized mags
Naturally conforms to shape of pocketBreak in time needed
Conceals wellSeems big for small pockets
ComfortableSlant feels awkward to some
Stays put while removing the mag

3. Sticky Holsters Super Pocket Magazine Holster Pouch


Sticky Holsters Single Super Pocket Magazine Holster Pouch


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This handy mag pouch is super useful to carry extra magazines, or even a flashlight or pocket knife. It works IWB, OWB, or in the pocket. Sticky material to keep it in place while inside your pocket.

Sticky Holsters Super Pocket Magazine Holster Pouch – Features

  • Low profile
  • Concealable
  • Carries mags or accessories
  • Pocket, IWB or OWB
Stays putBulky
No printingAwkward in pocket
VersatileBreak in time needed
Good grip on the outside
Well made

Best Pocket Magazine Holster – Final Thoughts

Carrying a pocket magazine holster works, no matter how you are carrying your handgun. Having an extra magazine in your pocket reduces bulk on your hip and is easy and convenient.

After researching the different pocket magazine holsters available, I feel the Pocket Mag Pouch by Elite Survival Systems is the best one around. It is discrete and heavy duty. It works great for single stack magazines for most pistols. It is not slanted, but I found that the slant that other brands have, is a little awkward. You won’t be disappointed in this pocket mag pouch.

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One Response

  1. I have been using the ExtraCarry Mag Pouch for a few years now. I have one for my 1911, XDS-45, Beretta Pico, Ruger LCP and my S&W Bodyguard. Great products, very reliable, it locks in place in your pants pocket and protects your magazine and ammo from other stuff in your pocket.

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