Top Video Game Weapons You Can Own In Real Life
Those who have an affinity for first-person shooter games quickly develop favorite weapons in each game. Of all the weapons available, the assault rifle is one of the most popular and commonly used weapons in all first-person shooter games as it is reliable and gets the job done quickly. If you truly develop a love […]
The Top 3 Best Handheld GPS Devices
Nowadays, everyone has a portable GPS in their hand with their smartphone. Gone are the days of road trips with maps spread across the dashboard. It’s pretty hard to get lost walking or driving, no matter where you find yourself. But what happens when signal is lost? How do you find your way? Cue handheld […]
The Top Guns That Were Released In 2019
Now that 2019 is over and 2020 has begun, it’s time to look back over the previous year and the best new guns that were released in 2019. 2019 saw the release of many new innovative guns as well as re-releases of old classics that hadn’t been made for years. Let’s take a look, shall […]
How To Fix AR-15 Malfunctions
Table Of ContentsFailure To Feed MalfunctionsFailure To Fire MalfunctionsFailure To ExtractConclusion Whether you’re new to the AR-15 or you’ve been firing one forever, there are bound to moments when things just don’t work right. While with other less complex weapons like a hunting rifle or handgun you might be able to easily suss out the […]
The Best Shot Timers and Why You Need One
Do you own a shot timer? If not, have you thought about owning one? Basically, a shot timer is an activated timer that uses an audible signal to alert the shooter to begin shooting, and also detects each shot from the beginning signal. When the shooter is done shooting, the timer can then show them […]
Gift Guide For AR-15 Owners
It’s that time of year when gift-giving can be a struggle. Use the fact that your friend or family member owns an AR-15 to find gifts specific to their interests. No matter their specific AR-15 hobby, the gifts on this Christmas gift guide for AR-15 owners will satisfy their needs and have them itching to […]
Top All Weather Firearms For Snow Conditions
Table Of ContentsAK-47GlockHenry All-Weather Lever Action RiflesMarlin 336 SSMossberg 590A1Ruger GP100 StainlessSavage 110 StormSmith & Wesson Victory .22 LRTikka T3x StainlessWinchester Model 70 Extreme Weather SSConclusionRecommended Reading If there’s anything that can wreck absolute havoc on the finish of your firearms, it’s rain and snow. Traditional firearm finishes such as bluing may look absolutely gorgeous, […]
The Best AR-15 Slings
Table Of Contents1. Smith & Wesson M&P Single Point Sling Kit2. AR-15/M16 Vickers Combat Application Sling3. Magpul MS1 Multi-Mission Sling4. Brownell’s AR-15/M16 Single-Point Sling KitConclusionRecommended Reading Who doesn’t love an AR-15? It’s a powerful, adaptable rifle that is so much fun to bring to the range. You probably aren’t thinking of anything else besides putting hits […]
Winter Hunting Tips and Considerations
Table Of ContentsTop Winter Hunting Tips and Considerations:Winter Hunting Tips ConclusionRecommended Reading Most of the deer seasons across the US occur in the winter. Obviously, it gets cold during the winter, and understandably, the conditions may deter you from going outside to shoot. But here’s the truth: just because it’s the wintertime with frigid temperatures […]
Top AR-15 Tools You Need To Own
Table Of ContentsTop AR-15 tools that you need to have:ConclusionRecommended Reading When you buy an AR-15 rifle, you need to buy more than just the AR-15. You’re also going to need ammunition, magazines, a sling, sights and an optic of some kind (if they don’t already come installed on the gun), a cleaning kit, and […]
Top Hunting Safety Tips
Now that hunting season is in full swing, it would probably be a good time to go over some crucial hunting safety tips that you will want to apply when you are out hiking around with your rifle in the woods (or wherever else you are). Many hunting accidents have been caused out in the […]
The 3 Best Deer Decoys You Can Buy Today…And How To Use Them
Table Of ContentsHow To Use A Decoy EffectivelyFlambeau Outdoors Scrapper Buck Deer DecoyFlambeau Masters Series Boss Babe DecoyPrimos Scarface DecoyConclusionRecommended Reading Sometimes when hunting, all you need to do is walk around the woods, come across a deer, and take a shot. But most deer hunters would also tell you that, while you may get […]