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Firearms are dangerous, and in the wrong hands can be deadly. In the hands of inexperienced children, they can lead to devastating accidents, and in the hands of criminals, they can be used against you and other law-abiding citizens. Therefore, if you own firearms, you need to store them in a safe secure spot, where they aren’t accessible to children and intruders.
However, when it comes to storing self-defense firearms, you need a safe that will keep them secure, and allow you to access them quickly as well. A biometric gun safe is an excellent option. One, in particular, we’ll be discussing today is the Pineworld Biometric Gun Safe.
PineWorld K5 2 Gun Biometric Safe
The safe is quite secure and can be opened with 4 methods.
Biometric Gun Safe Access
The first method is using your fingerprint. This is the fastest method and allows you to access your pistol quickly in case of an emergency. The fingerprint scanner is quite reliable. It records your fingerprints from multiple angles and can store multiple fingers as well, to give you quick access regardless of how you touch it.
Passcode Access
Though the fingerprint sensor does work quite well, if it does fail, perhaps because of very wet or sweaty hands, you can use a 6-8 digit passcode to open the safe.
Key Access
If both the fingerprint and passcode aren’t working, you can also open the PineWorld K5 with a key that comes with the safe. However, the key is a last-ditch resort, and using it will still set off the alarm, and notify you on your phone application that the safe has been opened. The safe has a small button inside it that can be used to turn off the alarm, and you can also permanently turn it off from the settings.
Wifi Enabled Gun Safe Access
The PineWorld K5 Safe is also WiFi enabled, and it can be connected to an accompanying, PineWorld Mobile Application. You can also use the app to remotely open the safe to give someone remote access. However, the opening request needs to be sent by pressing a button on the safe. This ensures that the safe can not be hacked and opened remotely.
Pineworld Biometric Gun Safe Con
The PineWorld K5 safe has a lot of positives going for it. However, one of the main issues with it is that like many other biometric safes, it is not terribly intuitive. Changing passwords, adding fingerprints, and accessing other settings can be quite complicated. However, if you read the instruction manual, you can set up the safe by following the instructions.
This can make setting up the first time slightly difficult. However, it does add an extra level of security as well. Because anyone who doesn’t know the specific controls, can’t tamper with the safe’s settings.
Overall, the PineWorld K5 heavy-duty safe is a really secure. A sturdy gun safe, comes with many interesting features that competing biometric gun safes don’t offer. It is also quite affordable, which makes it ideal for everyone.