Kimber Micro 9 vs. SIG P938 – Which Is Better?

We compare the Kimber Micro 9 vs Sig P938

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The 1911 has been an iconic handgun platform since the dawn of the 20th century. The .45 ACP is a monster of a pistol round, designed with enough stopping power to bring down calvary and drug crazed combatants.

Now times have changed, a handguns stopping power is no longer limited to heavy pistol rounds. You can find many pistol rounds, such as the 9mm, with high velocity powder loads that have enough stopping power for a variety of situations.

Now take that same 1911 and shrink it to a subcompact weapon designed for concealed carry, the Kimber Micro 9 and the Sig P938 are two excellent options if you’re comfortable with single action handguns. The only question remains, which one is better?

For the most part, it’s a subjective matter, but choosing a weapon for concealed carry weapon, you have to be sure to choose the best one for you. So keeping that in mind, let’s take a look at both and make the decision a little easier.

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Kimber Pro 9 Review

The Kimber Micro 9 is a 9 millimeter adaptation of the Kimber Micro model, a miniature 1911 chambered in .45 ACP. The advent of a micro 1911 is nothing new. In the early 1900’s, officers in the US Military once carried a miniature Colt 1911 chambered in .380.

The 9mm Kimber Micro 9 semi automatic pistol is ideal for concealed carry options


Colt never made a miniature 1911 in 9mm, but Kimber’s Micro 9 is ideal for concealed carry options since the 9mm is optimized for engaging a number of threats.

Kimber Micro 9 Specifications

The Kimber Micro 9 is tiny, coming in with a 3.15” barrel, a height of 4.01”, a length of 6.1” and a width of 1.06” at the thickest part of the slide.

Empty, the weapon weighs 15.6 ounces. Magazines have a standard 6 round capacity with one in the chamber and an extended model with a 7 round capacity, which also has an extended base plate that provides an inch or so of extra real estate you wouldn’t usually have with the standard magazine.

The 9mm Kimber Micro 9 semi automatic pistol comes in both a 6 round and 7 round capacity (extended model)


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The Micro 9’s safety features are what you’d expect from a typical 1911, a beavertail safety and conventional thumb safety. If you do opt to carry a 1911, make sure you take the time to learn how single action handguns operate.

Single action handguns won’t fire until you chamber a round which will cock the hammer, or if you carry a round in the chamber and cock it when you prepare to fire. The thumb safety won’t operate unless you cock the weapon so you have a few options with how you choose to carry a Micro 9.

Kimber Micro 9 Appearance

The overall appearance of the gun is the typical sleek Kimber fashion. You have a variety of finishes to choose from, as well as a number of added accessories such as night sights and crimson trace laser grips that are built into the hand guard.

  • Designed based off of a proven model with over a century of use in environments worldwide.
  • Kimber is a high quality weapons manufacture.
  • Micro 1911 frame in 9mm.
  • Comes in a variety of finishes and accessories.
  • May have a slight learning curve due to it being single action.
  • Limited magazine capacity.
  • Expensive.

Sig P938 Review

In terms of relative size, the Sig P938 doesn’t fare much different from the Kimber Micro 9. Barrel length is marginally shorter coming in at 3” with a height of 5.9” and a with of 1.1” at the thickest part of the slide. The P938 weights a little more than the Micro 9, weighing in at an even 16 ounces.

The 9mm Sig P938 demi-automatic pistol comes in both 6 round and 7 round (extended model) magazine capacity


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Like the Micro 9, the P938 comes with a standard magazine capacity of 6 rounds with one in the chamber but there are optional 7 round capacity magazines which also feature an extended base plate which is ideal for concealed carry holders with larger hands who need a little extra grip to comfortably seat the weapon in their hands.

The safety features don’t differ from the standard 1911 safety features, a beavertail safety and a thumb safety selector switch, the only difference between the Micro 9 and P938 is the fact the Micro 9’s safety selector switch is ambidextrous whereas the P938’s safety selector switch is right handed only.

Sig P938 Sights

The sights come standard with night sights, which are often an added feature and comes in a variety of finishes and with a large selection of accessories such as grips, engravings, and so on, but be prepared to spend a few hundred dollars more if you elect for any bonus features.

The trigger pull is comparable to the Kimber’s pull of seven and a half pounds when the trigger breaks, just be sure the weapon is cocked beforehand of course.

  • Sig is also a very reputable and tested manufacturer.
  • Lightweight 1911 platform chambered in 9mm.
  • Comes stock with night sights.
  • Limited ammunition capacity.
  • Right handed safety only.

Kimber Micro 9 Vs. Sig P938

Apples to Apples, the Sig P938 Vs. Kimber Micro 9 are basically the same gun. From the physical specifications to the operation of the firearm, the two weapons are nearly identical.

Rather or not you are proficient in the operation of a single action handgun should be the largest determining factor before deciding between on or the other. 1911’s and their micro counterparts are very different than the ever popular point and shoot striker fired polymer handguns.

Once you’re comfortable with single action guns, you ought to note the thumb safety differences. The Micro 9 has a thumb safety while the P938 does only has a right handed thumb safety.

If you’re a left handed shooter, you ought to opt for the latter since 1911’s are fairly complex while shooting off hand.

Kimber Micro 9 Vs. Sig P938 – The Winner – Draw

Both pistols are excellent in terms of performance, it all comes down to personal preference and ascetics. Both are easy to conceal and each have their own accessories, it all comes down to you.

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9 Responses

  1. I own both (His and Hers) only issues I have is the 938 will eat any brand of ammunition The Kimber is picky steel case jammed almost every other round

  2. Now I have owned both. my new acquisition is the Kimber and I love the all stainless and rounder corners. M Sig always had the grip screws loosening
    on my at the range. Hope this gun doesn’t do the same.

  3. I’ve owed both, shot both, and carried both. I enjoyed shooting the Kimber more, and was more accurate with it. But you can’t go wrong with either…I carry the Kimber micro 9ntwo tone as my primary carry piece.

  4. Yes, I too have a p938 extreme Sig, & have the ambidextrous safety. Also I notice the dimensions, specifically the height, doesn’t match company specs either. I’m thinking this article is dubious at best. Some information is jumbled, as the sig comes ambidextrous & the Kimber is single-sided; but I’ll say both are changeable. It appears Kimber offers single-sided safety as their guns are either ready for or have Crimson Trace grips, but they have offerings in double-sided safety too as Sig has offerings in single-sided. Gun manufacturers know there are lefthanded people & have those options available. Even Crimson Trace for lefties is offered. There’s even a conversion to ambidextrous. And there’s both single-sided & ambidextrous Sig models. As for my Sig, it can be converted from ambidextrous to single-sided if you feel the need. Though it can be done many ways, my estimation is switching to the p238 safety is the best. Happens though, Crimson Trace offers a forward-of-the-trigger-guard-attaching-laser for Sigs. As to the “beaver tail”, it is a safety feature, but not the beaver-tail safety. The feature just keeps the gun from biting your hand. Neither has the safety & glad as that would be adding more to the gun than anyone would want for a subcompact. And let me mention the gun height goof as both manufacturers claim their height is 3.9. Gun height is measured either with the clip removed or with the basic clip as other clips are varied in how far they extend down from the gun. When the author gave a manufacturers height on the Kimber & a bogus report on the Sig I wonder if the author was trying to push one gun over another. If he was, someone should let him know mis-information isn’t the best way.

  5. So the p938 has an ambidextrous safety you noted in here twice that it only has a right handed safety.

  6. I have a Kimber Micro 9 and I love it. Mine is the all stainless version with black rubber grips. I have never shot a Sig but have handled one. They feel about the same. Dry firing the Sig I would say the trigger pulls are about equal. Kimber was just a few bucks cheaper at my LGS. My Kimber was flawless on my first trip to the range.

  7. With respect to the safety features of each gun, you’ve got them backwards.

    It’s the Kimber that offers a safety selector switch for right handers only. The Sig’s switch is ambidextrous.

  8. If by claiming both handguns have a “Beavertail Safety” author means same as “Grip Safety,” I cannot believe the writer physically examined these guns he’s evaluating. Neither has a grip safety!

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